Closed wolfsage closed 3 years ago
I moved this to the DateTime-TimeZone repo, since that's where the code to handle these zones lives.
I'm not sure how this worked for you with an older DT::TZ. Here's what I get with DateTime 1.12 and DateTime::TimeZone 2.36:
> perl -MDateTime -e 'print "Now: " . DateTime->now . "\nGMT+4: " . DateTime->now(time_zone=> "Etc/GMT+4") . "\n"'
The timezone 'Etc/GMT+4' could not be loaded, or is an invalid name.
DateTime::TimeZone finds the following file:
# This file is auto-generated by the Perl DateTime Suite time zone
# code generator (0.08) This code generator comes with the
# DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
# Generated from /tmp/ZbFw0zNOVB/etcetera. Olson data version 2019b
# Do not edit this file directly.
package DateTime::TimeZone::Etc::GMT_Plus4;
use strict;
use warnings;
use namespace::autoclean;
our $VERSION = '2.36';
use Class::Singleton 1.03;
use DateTime::TimeZone;
use DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB;
@DateTime::TimeZone::Etc::GMT_Plus4::ISA = ( 'Class::Singleton', 'DateTime::TimeZone' );
my $spans =
DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, # utc_start
DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY, # utc_end
DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, # local_start
DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY, # local_end
sub olson_version {'2019b'}
sub has_dst_changes {0}
sub _max_year {2029}
sub _new_instance {
return shift->_init( @_, spans => $spans );
Looks like we manually build our DateTime::TimeZone files with tools/parse_olson using --old
Looks like we manually build our DateTime::TimeZone files with tools/parse_olson using --old
That explains it.
Fixed in v2.45.
The Etc/GMT time_zones are backwards in newer DateTimes.
Here's an older DateTime (1.12) / DateTime::TimeZone (2.36), which is correct:
Here's a newer DateTIme (1.50) / DateTime::TimeZone (2.44), which has it backwards: