client connect fail,this is log and translated content.
WS Error <Io(Os { code: 10057, kind: NotConnected, message: "The request to send or receive data did not Accepted." })>
[2023-02-17T18:13:20Z DEBUG ws::handshake] Built request from URL:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Key: s7iLw5MghV4hhFW/gy4+sQ==
Upgrade: websocket
[2023-02-17T18:13:20Z ERROR ws::handler] WS Error <Io(Os { code: 10057, kind: NotConnected, message: "由于套接字没有连接并且(当使用一个 sendto 调用发送数据报套接字时)没有提供地址,发送或接收
数据的请求没有被接受。" })>
translated : WS Error <Io(Os { code: 10057, kind: NotConnected, message: "The request to send or receive data did not Accepted." })>
The server and the client can communicate with each other when started on one machine, but the client cannot connect to the two machines respectively, but postman can connect
client connect fail,this is log and translated content.
The server and the client can communicate with each other when started on one machine, but the client cannot connect to the two machines respectively, but postman can connect