houtknots / BluemapTraincartsConnector

Spigot plugin to display TrainCarts trains on the BlueMap as markers
MIT License
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Add custom tags, icons #10

Closed GreenScreen410 closed 2 weeks ago

GreenScreen410 commented 1 month ago

There is only two types setting (connectorTag, connectorStorageTag). But I need more custom tags. How about ...Tag, ...TagIcon prefix? It means if I make expressBusTag, then It matches expressBusTagIcon.

houtknots commented 1 month ago

That sounds like a great idea!

I was thinking on adding a configuration option to do this what do you think of this?

  expressBus: <iconurl>
  subway: <iconurl>

If you have any other ideas please let me know, I will probably start working on it next week.

GreenScreen410 commented 1 month ago

It's looking good, Thank you very much for creating this plugin.

houtknots commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @GreenScreen410, I've just released version 1.20.6-v2. Please edit the config.yml file or delete it to allow for its recreation when the server starts.

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, feel free to let me know! 😄

For the config.yml change, you have to delete the following:

# A list of tags set to a Train which indicates whether the Train should be
# displayed on the BlueMap.
# Default: [bluemap, Bluemap, BlueMap]
  - bluemap
  - Bluemap
  - BlueMap

  - bluemapstorage
  - Bluemapstorage
  - BlueMapStorage

# The Icon used by BlueMap to display the Trains with, found in the 
# "bluemap/web/assets/" directory
# Default: "assets/minecart-pio.png"
connectorTrainIcon: "assets/btc-minecart-pio.png"
connectorStorageTrainIcon: "assets/btc-storage-pio.png"

And change it to:

# A list of tags set to a Train which indicates whether the Train should be
# displayed on the BlueMap.
# Make sure to put the icons files in the "bluemap/web/assets/" directory.
  bluemap: "assets/btc-minecart-pio.png"
  bluemapstorage: "assets/btc-storage-pio.png"

# The default icon for the TrainCart on the BlueMap
# Make sure to put the icons files in the "bluemap/web/assets/" directory.
# Default: "assets/btc-minecart-pio.png"
defaultTrainIcon: "assets/btc-minecart-pio.png"

The tags in the tagMap are case insensitive so both train tags bluemap or BLUEMAP will work.