houyaowei / fe-weekly

Front end weekly report
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2020-01-10前端周报 #7

Open houyaowei opened 4 years ago

houyaowei commented 4 years ago

1、Five reasons why Web Components could complement JavaScript frameworks 2、TensorFlow.js 3、New ES2018 Features Every JavaScript Developer Should Know 4、Understanding Async Await 5、43 JavaScript Questions, With Their Answers Explained 6、一句话讲明白 WebAssembly、微前端等技术背后的核心 7、美团开源Logan Web:前端日志在Web端的实现 8、基于 React 的微前端:Piral 简析 9、Bifrost微前端框架及其在美团闪购中的实践 10、Serverless 与前端工程化结合:让项目 5 分钟上线成为可能 11、The cost of JavaScript in 2019 12、Mastering JS console.log like a Pro

houyaowei commented 4 years ago

条目1 可以参考精致化的微前端开发之旅这篇文章看。