hovel / imagestore

Django gallery solution.
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Errors in Template with solr.thumbnail #3

Closed arjunadeltoso closed 12 years ago

arjunadeltoso commented 12 years ago

In a pretty fresh install of django-cms + imagestore + solr.thumbnail I get this errors for "empty" and "endthumbnail" tags:

Exception Value: Invalid block tag: 'empty' In template templates/imagestore/user_info.html, error at line 10

and after removing line 10 from template

Exception Value: Invalid block tag: 'endthumbnail' In template templates/imagestore/user_info.html, error at line 10

removing all tags 'endthumbnail' from the templates seems to solve the error, I'll investigate further to see what functional changes you need in the templates logic.

Please note that this might even be a bug in the latest solr.thumbnail as the official docs state that you should be able to use empty and endthumbnail, if so feel free to close this issue and open one for the solr team.

This is my config: $ yolk -l Django - 1.3.1 - active MySQL-python - 1.2.3 - active PIL - 1.1.7 - active Paste - - active Python - 2.7.2 - active development (/opt/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload) South - 0.7.3 - active cmsplugin-filer - 0.8.0 - active django-classy-tags - - active django-cms - 2.2 - active django-fancy-autocomplete - 0.1a1 - active django-filer - 0.8.5 - active django-mptt - 0.5.1 - active django-reversion - 1.5.1 - active django-sekizai - 0.5 - active django-tagging - 0.3.1 - active easy-thumbnails - 1.0-alpha-20 - active html5lib - 0.90 - active imagestore - 2.7.0 - active setuptools - 0.6c11 - active sorl-thumbnail - 11.12 - active winpdb - 1.4.8 - active wsgiref - 0.1.2 - active development (/opt/lib/python2.7) yolk - 0.4.1 - active

arjunadeltoso commented 12 years ago

After some more debugging it turned out to be a simple name clash between easy_thumbnails and solr.thumbnails, both use the name 'thumbnail' for the templatetag. Renaming the solr one to something different like 'solr_thumbnail' will fix the issue. Thanks

ccfiel commented 12 years ago

@arjunadeltoso how did you rename the solr? im new with this. thanks