hovel / imagestore

Django gallery solution.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
164 stars 72 forks source link

ValueError: Cannot create form field for 'album' yet, because its related model 'imagestore.Album' has not been loaded yet #59

Open JoshuaPK opened 8 years ago

JoshuaPK commented 8 years ago

Trying to integrate with django-cms per the instructions. When I run manage.py for anything, I get this error: "ValueError: Cannot create form field for 'album' yet, because its related model 'imagestore.Album' has not been loaded yet"

Versions of components are as follows: argparse (1.4.0) dj-database-url (0.3.0) Django (1.8.6) django-appconf (1.0.1) django-autocomplete-light (2.2.10) django-classy-tags (0.6.2) django-cms (3.1.3) django-reversion (1.9.3) django-sekizai (0.8.2) Django-Select2 (4.3.2) django-tagging (0.4) django-treebeard (3.0) django-user-accounts (1.2.0) djangocms-admin-style (1.0.6) djangocms-column (1.5) djangocms-file (0.1) djangocms-flash (0.2.0) djangocms-googlemap (0.3) djangocms-inherit (0.1) djangocms-installer (0.8.1) djangocms-link (1.7.1) djangocms-picture (0.1) djangocms-style (1.5) djangocms-teaser (0.1) djangocms-text-ckeditor (2.8.0) djangocms-video (0.1) html5lib (0.9999999) imagestore (2.9.1) Pillow (3.0.0) pip (1.4.1) pytz (2015.7) setuptools (0.9.8) six (1.10.0) sorl-thumbnail (12.3) swapper (0.3.0) tzlocal (1.2) wsgiref (0.1.2)