howardchn / location-to-phone-number

This a project to search a location of a specified phone number, and locate the map to the phone number location.
MIT License
205 stars 46 forks source link

How to use it? (sorry i'm new ^^') #5

Open P-SamiDev-Y opened 2 years ago

P-SamiDev-Y commented 2 years ago

Hello! I just cloned this program on my Kali Linux machine and I wanna know how to use the program. Yes, I know it may be a dumb question but hey, I'm new! So yes any help would be appreciated :)

r-e-d-ant commented 2 years ago

I am wondering too how to use it, The run commands are not there

justinjames123 commented 2 years ago

I Totally Don't Understand. How am I supposed to Run this Software Please Help.

hecker-00 commented 1 year ago

how do i run this?