Where are you receive jetton token from a sender ? also have you check sender balance is he has enough Jetton in his wallet? you are checking ton but we need to check Token .
//where are you receive jetton token from a sender ?
receive(stake: TokenNotification){
require(context().value >= ton("0.1"), "not enough value");
// Check the sender is from the Jetton Wallet
require(context().sender == self.this_contract_jettonWallet, "not from one of any jetton wallet");
// Manipulating the score you want to give, no matter based on time or amount
let score: Int = self.score_function(stake.amount);
// Update the stake record
stake_address: stake.from,
jettonStakeAmount: stake.amount,
score: score
// Update the weight of the user, if the user is in the list, then add it
let previous_score: Int = self.score_list.get(stake.from)!!;
if (previous_score == null) {
self.score_list.set(stake.from, score);
} else if (previous_score >= 0) {
previous_score = (previous_score + score);
self.score_list.set(stake.from, previous_score);
self.total_score = (self.total_score + score);
self.index = (self.index + 1);
// Submit the Log Event
emit(TransferEvent{sender_address: stake.from, jetton_amount: stake.amount, score: score}.toCell());
thanks for that comment, was going to deploy lol. Just learning about TON development, so I'm trying to understand contracts. Would be worthwhile if there'd be an openzeppelin for tact
Where are you receive jetton token from a sender ? also have you check sender balance is he has enough Jetton in his wallet? you are checking ton but we need to check Token .