howardyclo / papernotes

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CornerNet: Detecting Objects as Paired Keypoints #50

Open howardyclo opened 5 years ago

howardyclo commented 5 years ago


howardyclo commented 5 years ago



Drawback of Using Anchor Boxes in Traditional One-stage Detector

How Does CornerNet Work?

How Does Corner Pooling Work?

How Is Corner Pooling Used in CornerNet?


  1. Corner detection loss:
  2. Corner offset loss:
  3. Grouping corner loss:
  4. Note: they use 0.1 to weight this 2 loss terms, since set to 1 for both leads to poor performance.

Ablation Study

  1. Corner pooling
  2. Reducing penalty to negative locations
  3. Error analysis

Comparisons with State-of-the-art Detectors