howardyclo / papernotes

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Cold Fusion: Training Seq2Seq Models Together with Language Models #6

Open howardyclo opened 6 years ago

howardyclo commented 6 years ago


howardyclo commented 6 years ago


This paper purposes an approach "Cold Fusion" for leveraging a pre-trained language model during training a neural sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) model. In Cold Fusion, the Seq2Seq model is trained from scratch together with a fixed pre-trained language model by using a fine-grained gating mechanism to fuse the hidden state of Seq2Seq's hidden state and the logit output of language model. They show that by leveraging the RNN language model, Cold Fusion reduces word error rates by up to 18% compared to Deep Fusion in speech recognition. They also show that Cold Fusion models can transfer more easily to new domains, and with only 10% of labeled data nearly fully transfer to the new domain.

This paper's direction is similar to #5 but #5 's language model is trained from scratch.

Related Work

Language Model Integration

  1. Shallow Fusion: A pre-trained language model serves as an auxiliary component to guide beam search process. (Chorowski & Jaitly, 2017; Wu et al., 2016) describe several heuristics that can be used to improve this basic algorithm.
  2. Deep Fusion purposed by Gulcehre et al., 2015: Learns to fuse the hidden states of the Seq2Seq decoder and a neural language model with a gating mechanism, after the two models are trained independently. Few limitations are mentioned in this paper:
    • Because the decoder in Seq2Seq already learns an implicit language model from the main translation task, taking up a significant portion of the decoder capacity to learn redundant information.
    • The auxiliary language model is biased towards the main translation task. For example, if a Seq2Seq model fully trained on legal documents is later fused with a medical language model, the decoder still has an inherent tendency to follow the linguistic structure found in legal text. Thus, in order to adapt to novel domains, Deep Fusion must first learn to discount the implicit knowledge of the language.

Semi-supervised Learning in Seq2Seq

  1. Back-Translation purposed by Sennrich et al. (2016): Does not apply well to other tasks where back-translation is infeasible or of very low quality (like image captioning or speech recogIntion).
  2. Unsupervised Pre-training purposed by Ramachandran et al. (2017): Potentially difficult to leverage for the transfer task since training on the parallel corpus could end up effectively erasing the knowledge of the language models

Both back-translation and unsupervised pre-training are simple methods that require no change in the architecture.

Cold Fusion

They use a fine-grained gated mechanism (Yang et al. 2017) to fuse the hidden states of Seq2Seq and the probability (logits, different from Deep Fusion) of language model, learning when to pay attention to Seq2Seq or language model.

Equation 4

Note that the fusion in this paper is different from Yang et al. (2017), where Yang et al. uses this way: h = f(v1, v2) = g ⊙ v1 + (1 − g) ⊙ v2 (Fusing two representations/vectors v1 and v2 )




The following table shows the dev set perplexity for char-RNN language models trained on different datasets on source and target domain. This experiment shows that language models are easily overfitted on training distribution, so models trained on one corpus will perform poorly on a different distribution. Thus, they use the model trained on the full dataset (which contains the source and target datasets along with some additional text) for all of the LM integration experiments.

Table 2

Table 3

Table 4

Table 5


ellurunaresh commented 6 years ago

Hi Howard, Nice explanation on cold fusion approach. I would like to replicate the same experiment for my seq2seq model. If you have the code in Github repository could you please share with me.

Thanks Naresh

ellurunaresh commented 5 years ago

If you could help me it would be very helpful for me.

howardyclo commented 5 years ago

@ellurunaresh Hi, I am not the author of this paper, so I do not have the code. Please implement by yourself (it seems to be easy by just follow the equation...) or search whether there is other implementation available online or not.

fmobrj commented 5 years ago

@ellurunaresh Hi. Have you managed to implement Cold Fusion or find any resource? I will begin to experiment it with BERT and ULMFIT.

mschonwe commented 4 years ago

Can you describe what the (tensorflow) operations would be to implement (4c)? I'm not sure what that line's syntax means...? (specifically the [ ] and ◦)