howdoiwebdevelop / website

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Create Landing Page #2

Open newswim opened 7 years ago

newswim commented 7 years ago

Hello 🌎 🌍 🌏 !

After talking to some other developers, the following questions arose more or less organically:

How do people learn web development these days? How do I figure out what I should be working on? Where's the best place to learn about becoming a developer?

This website/app/thing will attempt to solve that! How, you ask?! By combining the following:

Will following this site bring you many riches and glories? Who knows! Will following its precepts elevate your own knowledge and answer questions about #howdoiwebdevelop? Hopefully, yes!!!

But, we're going to need some help... If you're been learning about web development for a while, you've probably accumulated a bunch of web urls to blog posts, tutorials, docs, tweets, gifs, ettttccc. I know i have. Well, we want those. Specifically, we want the best ones.. Ones that you read all the through, loved, and went on to implement some code because of it. Something kind of like awesome.

We're also interested in building an app which will match you to the best possible resource for learning, wherever you're at in your development (get it?).

Good luck // Have Fun // #webdev

newswim commented 7 years ago

Added a super simple placeholder page which just provides a link to dwyl/start-here.