howdyai / botkit

Botkit is an open source developer tool for building chat bots, apps and custom integrations for major messaging platforms.
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Send proactive message on MS teams #2202

Closed khushleen closed 2 years ago

khushleen commented 2 years ago

Hi, I am trying to send the proactive notification(1:1 user) on MS teams using botkit. I checked all the documentation and wrote the below code, but I am not getting success. It is neither showing any error nor sending a message.

var options = { serviceUrl: <--URL-->,
clientId: botframeworkClientId,
    clientSecret: botframeworkClientSecret


var bot =  controller.spawn(options);

var param = {
    "bot": {
        "id": "2*:7****",
        "name": "<--BOT NAME-->"
    "isGroup": false,
    "raw_message":{"from":{"id": "2*:1******",
      "name": <--USER NAME-->}},
    "members": [
            "id": "2*:1******",
            "name": <--USER NAME-->
    "channelData": { "tenant": { "id": "66039c4b-2333-4d9e-89fd-02f94d0d71bd" } },
    "conversation": {
    "conversationType": "personal",
    "tenantId": "6******",
    "id": "a:1*******"
    "user": "2*:1******",
  "channel": "a:1*******"


con_id.say(param, "Hi, I'm Plato.")

Please suggest the method/function which will be used to send a message from bot to the user without any message/activity/event initiated from the user.

benbrown commented 2 years ago

For Teams, use the bot.startConversationWithUser method...

kk-roambee commented 2 years ago

I got success by using addMessageToConversation() to send the proactive notification to the user. Here is the sample code, I have used for your reference:


var config_obj = { clientId: <-- APP ID -->, clientSecret: <--SECRET -->, serviceUrl: <-- URL --> }

input_param = { "recipient":{"id":"29:*","name":<--USERNAME-->}, "type":"direct_message", "from":{"id":"28:","name":<--BOTNAME-->}, "conversation":{"conversationType":"personal","tenantId":,"id":"a:"} }

teamsapi = teamsapi_maker(config_obj) teamsapi.getToken(function(){ teamsapi.addMessageToConversation(, input_param, function(){ }) })
