Closed qurCoder closed 11 months ago
extremely old version of janitor that did not support threads
also i'd just use flamework for typescript
here's a polyfill if you need one:
//!optimize 2
import { Janitor } from "@rbxts/janitor";
function smartThreadCancel(thread: thread) {
let cancelled: boolean | undefined;
if (coroutine.running() !== thread) [cancelled] = pcall(() => task.cancel(thread));
if (!cancelled) {
const toCancel = thread;
task.defer(() => task.cancel(toCancel));
export default function janitorAdd<
O extends keyof U extends never
? object
: I extends keyof U
? U[I]
: M extends true
? Callback | thread
: M extends undefined
? RBXScriptConnection | { Destroy(): void }
: object,
M extends undefined | ((this: O) => void) | ((_: O) => void) | ExtractKeys<O, () => void> | true,
I extends keyof U | undefined = undefined,
U extends object | void = void,
>(janitor: Janitor<U>, object: O, methodName?: M, index?: I) {
if (typeIs(object, "thread")) {
const localThread = object;
janitor.Add((() => smartThreadCancel(localThread)) as never, true, index);
return object;
return janitor.Add(object, methodName, index);
Alright thank you!
When I add threads to the janitor, and put the method as true as the documentation says it ends up erroring
ReplicatedStorage.rbxts_include.node_modules.@rbxts.knit.Knit.Util.Janitor:76: attempt to index thread with boolean