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What if a repository method must be called within the same transaction? #5

Open frederikhors opened 1 month ago

frederikhors commented 1 month ago

Hi dear and amazing @AngusGMorrison,

a doubt:

In the repository function create_author I need to call another repository method (example: check_if_author_name_is_already_taken( and I need to call it within the same transaction I'm creating on line 50.

How to?

Plus the same method can be called not in a transaction too!

Should I have a new argument on the repository method?

An argument to indicate both a db connection or a db transaction?

Something like:

impl BlogRepository for Sqlite {
    async fn create_author(&self, req: &CreateAuthorRequest) -> Result<Author, CreateAuthorError> {}

    async fn check_if_author_name_is_already_taken(&self, db_conn_or_tx: ??? what type here ???, name: &str) -> Result<bool, String> {}

I'm asking for you help too, @TmLev.

TmLev commented 1 month ago

If we permit leaking transactions outside of repositories' scope, sqlx has a trait called Executor which is implemented for pools, connections, and transactions (some of them via deref):

async fn check_unique_constraint(exec: impl sqlx::Executor) {

check_unique_constraint(&mut *conn).await;
check_unique_constraint(&mut *tx).await;

If you want check_unique_constraint to control commits and rollbacks, you can replace Executor with Acquire:

async fn check_unique_constraint(conn: impl sqlx::Acquire) {
    let mut tx = conn.acquire().await?;
    sqlx::query!("...").fetch(&mut *tx).await

Now the hard part is to decide how you can provide a concrete type to use it in a trait's signature. Since generics are not allowed in object-safe traits, I can think of two approaches on the spot:

  1. Use an associated type:

    trait Repo {
        type Conn;
        async fn check_unique_constraint(c: Self::Conn);
    type MyRepo = Arc<dyn Repo<Conn = MyConn>>;
    type MyConn = Box<dyn sqlx::Connection>;

    Now, this kinda beats the purpose of a repo, since we have to explicitly depend on sqlx::Connection.

  2. Use type erasure:

    trait Repo {
        async fn connect(&self) -> RepoConn;
        async fn check_unique_constraint(&self, c: RepoConn);


    struct RepoConn(Box<dyn Any>);
    impl RepoConn {
        fn new<T: Any>(value: T) -> Self {
        fn downcast<T: Any>(self) -> Option<Box<T>> {

    So that implementation can give out connections and get them back.

    impl Repo for MyRepo {
        async fn connect(&self) -> RepoConn {
            let tx = self.pg_pool.begin().await.unwrap();
        async fn check_unique_constraint(&self, c: RepoConn) {
            let tx = c.downcast::<sqlx::Transaction>().expect("connection should be downcastable to `sqlx::Transaction`");
            // Use `tx`.

    Error handling omitted.

Granted, both of them are kinda suboptimal: the first one requires us to explicitly state associated type (making us depend on it), and the second loses compile-time safety (forcing us to do it at runtime via type erasure).

If we don't leak transactions outside of repositories, then we don't have this problem :)

Please correct me if I'm wrong or didn't think of another approach.

P.S. You can also do associated type with a trait bound, passing dyn RepoConn around, but I don't think it's useful (?) since you need concrete type in the implementation itself.

frederikhors commented 1 month ago

Wow, thanks @TmLev. This is a lot to digest for a newbie like me!

I asked a very similar thing on SO a while back and this was the response, what do you two think?

frederikhors commented 1 month ago

If we permit leaking transactions outside of repositories' scope

I am studying this problem in depth because it is the last thing I have left to solve and it is FUNDAMENTAL above all to have a rapid and easy development (also considering testability).

Let's say there is a service with the following methods:

and a repo with the same methods:

(note each repo method know how to "persist" each model which is in turn composed of other models (complex structs) so I cannot simply repeat the persisting logic everywhere because is a lot)

I can, in order:

  1. from service/create_team_with_players()

    1. call repo/create_team_with_players()

      1. call repo/create_team()

      2. for each player call repo/create_player()

and as you can see I need to call each repo method within a transaction (and I'm still not leaking transaction outside of repositories' scope).

But since each of that repo method can be called from a service too I need to leak in the repo method signature the optional transaction.

So leaking outside the scope of the repositories is inevitable!

pub trait PlayerRepository: Send + Sync + Clone + 'static {
    fn create_player(
        db_conn: Option<&mut sqlx::PgConnection>,
        req: &CreatePlayerRequest,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Player, CreatePlayerError>> + Send;

Am I right?

One way that I think can avoid the leak is to create repository methods without db_conn: Option<&mut sqlx::PgConnection> and the same methods to implement in outbound/ that can be called with a db_conn: Option<&mut sqlx::PgConnection>, like this:

pub trait PlayerRepository: Send + Sync + Clone + 'static {
    fn create_player(
        req: &CreatePlayerRequest,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Player, CreatePlayerError>> + Send;

pub struct Pg {
    pool: PgPool,

impl Pg {
    async fn create_player(
        db_conn: Option<&mut sqlx::PgConnection>,
        req: &CreatePlayerRequest,
    ) -> Result<Player, CreatePlayerError>> {
        // Save player using db_conn or self.pool

impl PlayerRepository for Pg {
    fn create_player(
        req: &CreatePlayerRequest,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Player, CreatePlayerError>> + Send {
        self.create_player(None, req)

What do you think?

And @AngusGMorrison, is everything ok? Are you there? Are you writing juicy new episodes? Give us a silent sign of your presence! LOL 🤣