This project, named Label-Studio-Yolo-Backend, is an open-source project aimed at providing an Yolov5 assisted labeling backend for Label Studio using label-studio-ml.
"Clone this repository and Copy the python file to the appropriant dia
It can be set up a directory with any name in "Label-Studio-Ml-Backend-Master \ Label_Studio_ml", and then put "" and "" in this directory?
"Configure your Label Studio Project to use the label-studio-yolo-backnd." What are the specific details?
you can already use “label-studio-ml start mmdetection\projects\LabelStudio\backend_template --with config_file=mmdetection\configs\rtmdet\ checkpoint_file=mmdetection\work_dirs\rtmdet_m_8xb32-300e_coco_20220719_112220-229f527c.pth device=cpu --port 8003”
Such a instruction running MMDETECTION machine learning back end, so if you can provide a guide similar to this degree, I can easily perform your tutorial
If you can provide such a case, using Labelstudio for semi -automatic labeling and instant training for YOLOV5 will be easier
"Clone this repository and Copy the python file to the appropriant dia
It can be set up a directory with any name in "Label-Studio-Ml-Backend-Master \ Label_Studio_ml", and then put "" and "" in this directory?
"Configure your Label Studio Project to use the label-studio-yolo-backnd." What are the specific details?
Based on ""
you can already use “label-studio-ml start mmdetection\projects\LabelStudio\backend_template --with config_file=mmdetection\configs\rtmdet\ checkpoint_file=mmdetection\work_dirs\rtmdet_m_8xb32-300e_coco_20220719_112220-229f527c.pth device=cpu --port 8003”
Such a instruction running MMDETECTION machine learning back end, so if you can provide a guide similar to this degree, I can easily perform your tutorial
If you can provide such a case, using Labelstudio for semi -automatic labeling and instant training for YOLOV5 will be easier