hoya012 / deep_learning_object_detection

A paper list of object detection using deep learning.
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There are some wrong URL #24

Closed minsuk-sung closed 4 years ago

minsuk-sung commented 4 years ago

I have found paper url from your md file and crawled every paper.

When crawling, i noticed that some paper url that attached inside your md file are wrong...

Here is paper and wrong url.

Oh, and Thanks a lot for sharing object detection list. :)

3번째 Object Detection Paper : [MultiBox] Scalable Object Detection using Deep Neural Networks --> ERROR!!

5번째 Object Detection Paper : [MRCNN] Object detection via a multiregion & semantic segmentationaware CNN model --> ERROR!!

10번째 Object Detection Paper : [Faster RCNN, RPN] Faster RCNN: Towards RealTime Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks --> ERROR!!

36번째 Object Detection Paper : [Mask RCNN] Mask RCNN --> ERROR!!

44번째 Object Detection Paper : [STDN] ScaleTransferrable Object Detection --> ERROR!!

45번째 Object Detection Paper : [RefineDet] SingleShot Refinement Neural Network for Object Detection --> ERROR!!

50번째 Object Detection Paper : [Cascade RCNN] Cascade RCNN: Delving into High Quality Object Detection --> ERROR!

51번째 Object Detection Paper : Finding Tiny Faces in the Wild with Generative Adversarial Network --> ERROR!!

57번째 Object Detection Paper : ZeroAnnotation Object Detection with Web Knowledge Transfer --> ERROR!

59번째 Object Detection Paper : [PFPNet] Parallel Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection --> ERROR!!

62번째 Object Detection Paper : [Pelee] Pelee: A RealTime Object Detection System on Mobile Devices --> ERROR!!

63번째 Object Detection Paper : [HKRM] Hybrid Knowledge Routed Modules for Largescale Object Detection --> ERROR!!

64번째 Object Detection Paper : [MetaAnchor] MetaAnchor: Learning to Detect Objects with Customized Anchors --> ERROR!!

65번째 Object Detection Paper : [SNIPER] SNIPER: Efficient MultiScale Training --> ERROR!!

89번째 Object Detection Paper : Adapting Object Detectors via Selective CrossDomain Alignment --> ERROR!

90번째 Object Detection Paper : Fully Quantized Network for Object Detection --> ERROR!!

91번째 Object Detection Paper : Distilling Object Detectors with Finegrained Feature Imitation --> ERROR!!

92번째 Object Detection Paper : Multitask SelfSupervised Object Detection via Recycling of Bounding Box Annotations --> ERROR!!

93번째 Object Detection Paper : [ReasoningRCNN] ReasoningRCNN: Unifying Adaptive Global Reasoning into Largescale Object Detection --> ERROR!!

96번째 Object Detection Paper : Spatialaware Graph Relation Network for Largescale Object Detection --> ERROR!!

97번째 Object Detection Paper : [MaxpoolNMS] MaxpoolNMS: Getting Rid of NMS Bottlenecks in TwoStage Object Detectors --> ERROR!!

98번째 Object Detection Paper : You reap what you sow: Generating High Precision Object Proposals for Weaklysupervised Object Detection --> ERROR!!

99번째 Object Detection Paper : Object detection with locationaware deformable convolution and backward attention filtering --> ERROR!!

115번째 Object Detection Paper : Transductive Learning for ZeroShot Object Detection
--> ERROR!!

118번째 Object Detection Paper : [DAFS] Dynamic Anchor Feature Selection for SingleShot Object Detection
--> ERROR!!

hoya012 commented 4 years ago

wrong URL 이라는게 무슨의미죠? 링크 누르면 논문 잘 연결됩니다.