hoyois / clicktoplugin

Prevents plug-ins from loading automatically in Safari
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Clicktoplugin not activating player in Safari 10 #175

Open ghost opened 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

First of all, this is the best extension of all time, and I can't imagine using Youtube without it.

I upgraded to macOS 10.12, including Safari 10, and now the extension isn't activating the player. In the past, I've used youtubecenter to force aggressive flash, then clicktoplugin would take over and I would have the clicktoplugin player ready to go. Since upgrading, it miraculously worked for a little while, then I had to restart and it hasn't worked since. The page still loads the Flash placeholder (and if I click it, it will load the flash player), but it doesn't substitute the ctp player.

Things I have tried:

I'm guessing it's a setting I have turned on/off, but here are my settings:

http://i.imgur.com/Ah08Nhi.jpg http://i.imgur.com/zjHeLLE.jpg

Down10 commented 7 years ago

I was having this problem myself with black screens in YouTube, but I managed to get this plugin working again as it did before I upgraded Safari.

I did a number of steps to get it to work:

  1. In Safari, go to Preferences and click the Security pane.
  2. Under Internet plug-ins, make sure "Allow Plug-ins" is checked (duh), then click the "Plug-in Settings…" button.
  3. To the left is a list of Plug-ins that are enabled in Safari. Adobe Flash is likely the one you want enabled (and thus moderated through ClickToPlugin), so check it, if it is not enabled already. (Also make sure you have installed the latest version of the Flash plug-in!)
  4. Under Adobe Flash Player, you'll see a list of sites that you have open, and perhaps a list of already configured sites. These are sites you must grant permission to load the plug-in. Change these open sites to "Ask".
  5. At the bottom, under "When visiting other sites" change the selector from "Off" to "Ask" (or "On", if you so choose).
  6. (Re)load a site with a Flash element (in this case, a standard YouTube embedded video), click the embedded area to activate the plug-in. Reload your other affected sites you have open in other tabs/windows. You may even have to quit Safari and reopen it to ensure the settings take effect.
  7. The ClickToPlugin controls should now appear! Otherwise, Safari will step in and ask you to activate Flash, and it will then proceed to load up the Flash content.

I've tested this on a few sites, but not a ton, so your results may vary, but I got ClickToPlugin working again in my case (iMac with OS X Yosemite 10.10.5, Safari 10.0).

I also did not have to change the killer YouTube.js script or anything in the ClickToPlugin options, so I guess I don't have to be concerned with those. For now, at least.

the-real-tokai commented 7 years ago

Can anyone shed some light on the current situation?

The ClicktoPlugin homepage states "Due to Apple’s new development policies, version 3.2 is the final version of ClickToPlugin." Is that a technical problem (some change that makes ClicktoPlugin ultimately fail) or is that a financial problem (the mighty arrogance of Apple to extort $99 out of plugin developers for an automatically generated developer certificate?)

Perhaps the community can help with the second.

Without the plugin Safari is an almost dangerous browser to use and bandwidth waster. While one can disable rather annoying autoplay of video and audio content via the Debug menu it will still load (potentially large) video files in background (if I want to watch the stuff or not) and waste precious bandwidth. Also its in-build Flash/Plugin blocker is for the whole site. So when I want to use a single Flash element on a page I also have to trust all other Flash elements on the site in the same go (and therefore potentially loading unwanted advertisement or other, even dangerous, elements).

ClicktoPlugin is essential to me for a proper browsing experience. And I'm sure that I'm not the only one who thinks like that. :)

elee1989 commented 7 years ago

@Down10 , your steps worked for me once I followed one more additional step: between Step 5 and Step 6, I had to restart Safari for the new plugin settings to take effect.

El Capitan 10.11.6, Safari 10.0 (11602., ClickToPlugin 3.2, 2016-AUG-10 YouTube.js killer

elee1989 commented 7 years ago

@the-real-tokai , it's a certificate-not-free issue.

"I don't have the certificate required to compile Safari extensions. It used to be free, but not anymore."


SeAlgoAsoma commented 7 years ago

Down10's instructions worked for me. In fact, I was only worried about videos on YouTube, not any of the sites showing in the list currently, so I set the bottom choice for other sites to "Ask", and that's it. I opened a new tab, went to youtube, it asked me, I said yes, the page reloaded, and YouTube videos worked fine again.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@Down10 I tried those steps, it's still acting up; it will load the big grey flash button, but it just won't load the CTP player. I checked the plugin box, then went into plugin options and changed flash on youtube to Ask, other sites to Ask, and it keeps trying to load the youtube HTML5 player. Using youtubecenter to force flash or aggressive flash and it will just load the big grey flash button, but no CTP player.

Tried restarting between steps, clearing all history, etc, but still nothing :(

the-real-tokai commented 7 years ago


Perhaps a Donation/ Paypal button could fix that? I'm probably not the only one who would like to support this project. And if the developer can't afford Apple's unethical high certificate fees then the community perhaps can jump in.

I used to have a Safari certificate too, before it was decommissioned. Now one can't even run their own plugins on their own machines and own installations (I tried). It's just silly what Apple is doing there, IMHO.

mitral commented 7 years ago

@Down10 thanks this fixed the issue. I was facing the same issue when I somehow forgot to turn off auto updates and Safari 10 was giving me problems. Thanks for clarifying what I have to do