hoyois / clicktoplugin

Prevents plug-ins from loading automatically in Safari
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Gmail Hangouts Broken #177

Open GitTheHellOutaHere opened 7 years ago

GitTheHellOutaHere commented 7 years ago

Recently I’ve had great difficulty making phone calls via Hangouts.

The phone panel opens to a blank white rectangle - none of the contacts are displayed. The only way I can get them to show is to disable CTP.

But if I reload the page the same thing happens until I enable/disable it again, then they appear. I thought it might be a conflict so I disabled other extensions but that didn’t help.

This tip from the help page doesn’t apply because after checking the "block manually" box, Get Plug-in Info is never in the context menu.

“I whitelisted a page but some plug-ins are still being blocked!”

This is because a single tab can contain documents whose URLs are different than the URL displayed in the Address Field. To find out the URL of the document containing a blocked object, select the “Block plug-ins manually” checkbox in the preferences, right-click the object’s placeholder, and choose “Get Plug-in Info”.

OS X 10.11.6 Safari 10.0.1 CTP 3.2



hoyois commented 7 years ago

If I recall correctly Google Hangouts uses a source-less plugin. You should allow the plugin in the "Plug-ins" tab of the preferences.

GitTheHellOutaHere commented 7 years ago

The plugins are installed like any other into the Library/Internet Plug-ins folder. Both plugins are allowed in settings - Google Talk Plugin and Google Talk Plugin Video Renderer. They are shown on the Installed Plug-ins page.

This started very recently - I’ve been making calls via Hangouts for years and also been using clicktoplugin for years.

google plugins

JohnBlackburne commented 7 years ago

I just downloaded the Hangouts plugin and it works for me at hangouts.google.com. I see a list of people to call (random contacts it has imported from my address book) and can start a video conference session. The only thing I had to do is twice allow the plugin by hitting the 'Trust' button in a dialog, once for phone once for video. But I have already very liberal security settings, relying on CTP to take care of disabling Flash etc. I did not have to do anything to or within CTP.

GitTheHellOutaHere commented 7 years ago

I’ve never used it from there, only in my Gmail accounts in the chat section in the lower left corner.

I just tried it in Hangouts and when I click the phone icon all my contacts appear. The problem seems to be isolated to Gmail.

Adding google.com and mail.google.com to allow plug-ins from these sites and allow plug-ins from these sources didn’t help.

Maybe I’ll just uninstall CTP since it’s no longer being maintained anyway.

hoyois commented 7 years ago

@GitTheHellOutaHere I think you misunderstood me. You should allow the plugins in CTP's settings.

GitTheHellOutaHere commented 7 years ago

I said

Adding google.com and mail.google.com to allow plug-ins from these sites and allow plug-ins from these sources didn’t help.

So I HAVE allowed them.

Also deleted all the killers but that didn’t help either.

hoyois commented 7 years ago

I mean this tab:


GitTheHellOutaHere commented 7 years ago

The plugins aren’t listed in the plugins tab, just QuickTime and Shockwave. Is that what hoyois meant by a "sourceless" plugin?

As I said, this has always worked before - it’s a brand new issue. Not sure if it started with the Safari 10.0.1 update or not.

I suppose it’s still possible it’s something else, but I don’t know what - I’ve spent hours on it. Reverted my hosts file to the original, disabled firewall and disabled Little Snitch.

I went ahead and reinstalled CTP to test it, and it’s same as before. Allowing invisible plugins didn’t help, either.

I could take a video capture, but it would only show what I said: The panel is blank until I disable CTP in the prefs, then the panel is immediately populated with contacts. And it MUST be done in the prefs, not the context menu, because doing it from the menu causes the page to reload and you’re back to a blank panel.

GitTheHellOutaHere commented 7 years ago

Forgot to say the even though the contacts are invisible, they are still there. If I click around in the panel, different numbers will be dialed in the calling window that opens. For whatever reason they’re just hidden.

I’ve spent a lot of time searching the error console and page resources. There are tons of errors and most seem to be js issues. When I right-click the panel and choose Inspect Element, I don’t see anything conspicuous.

WHOA! I was just clicking around in the web inspector and right-clicked an entry connected to the blank panel. I selected Forced Pseudo-Classes>Active, and all the contacts appeared. They vanish again each time I reload, and reappear if I follow those steps on any of the items related to that panel. I have no idea what I’m doing there, or if this has anything to do with the problem, but it was surprising.

Here’s the related entries.

gmail console