hoyois / clicktoplugin

Prevents plug-ins from loading automatically in Safari
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Not Working #185

Open desepticon opened 6 years ago

desepticon commented 6 years ago

All of a sudden it stopped working for me a few minutes ago. Adding the additional killers located in another topic did not fix it, replacing them with just those killers didn't fix it, enabling/disabling didn't fix it, nor did quitting Safari and reopening..

a-greyyyyy commented 6 years ago

@RandomDSdevel i'm used to the new youtube UI, though i don't care for it. what i was getting at was, the new UI rollout wasn't done overnight. they started beta testing features here and there around the same time that CTF/CTP stopped working. i noticed little youtube UI tweaks here and there around the same time, plus around the same time, Yays! (yet another youtube script) stopped functioning properly.

JohnBlackburne commented 6 years ago

Yes, Youtube has been completely overhauled. Seemed to start with odd changes that broke CTP, but since then the whole thing has been replaced with a bug-ridden Javascript interface. Previously disable JS and you lost some features. Now disable JS and nothing loads.

So I think there is no way the current CTP plugin will work on youtube.com. The pages it was based on is no longer there. It can work on other sites that embed videos as they seem not to have changed. Presumably Youtube is still supporting their older way of working for backwards compatibility.

Fofer commented 6 years ago

Yeah, that seems to explain the situation well. [sigh] Ah well, it was good while it lasted. But I'm also hoping YouTube will maintain that backwards compatibility, at least for embedded videos elsewhere, for a long while. In the meantime, is there a way to get ClickToPlugin to ONLY work on embedded YT videos and whatever other sites it can, while also disabling itself entirely on www.youtube.com? To at least enjoy it where it still works, but disabling it on youtube.com where it's broken and interferes?

elee1989 commented 6 years ago

My two cents: Youtube's new UI is causing the page not to load completely, i.e. a placeholder for the video and the controls bar appears and nothing else. When I used the "Bypass YT login!" Javascript bookmarklet, ClickToPlugin works. Similarly, if the Youtube video is embedded elsewhere, ClickToPlugin works.

Safari 10.1.2 Mac OS X 10.11.6

RandomDSdevel commented 6 years ago

(@a-greyyyyy and @elee1989: I left GitHub Reactions on your posts since I felt that full-on replies would be a bit heavy-handed.)

On another note, @elee1989, I wonder how extensive the changes @hoyois might have to make to ClickToFlash/ClickToPlugin to make it work again on the main YouTube site might be (if he even has the time to look into architecting them at all, that is…)

elee1989 commented 6 years ago

The latest from me: ClickToPlugin no longer loads on Youtube, even if it's embedded in another page (e.g. the "Bypass YT login!" Javascript bookmarklet from nsfwyoutube.com). Looks like it's the end of an era...

Safari 10.1.2 Mac OS X 10.11.6

RandomDSdevel commented 6 years ago

     Darn it, if only @hoyois had time to fix this or one of us were competent enough to put together a pull request for him to merge in. The ProxySite YouTube player workaround I cited in an earlier reply to this issue discussion thread (should have attributed that to the proper thread on YouTube's help forums, sorry) still worked last time I used it, which, IIRC, has been within the last couple of or few days, so it should still do fine. I can either use that or bite the bullet and just use YouTube's HTML5 player, at least for short videos, which don't seem to stutter nearly as much, if at all (though that may just be a coincidence…)
     On a tangential note, the performance problems with YouTube may also have something to do with the further complication that the service is in the process of switching from H.264 and WebM, whichever one your browser could play before either via Flash or HTML5 <video> tag, to VP8/VP9. Only newer computers have hardware decoders for the latter embedded within their CPUs, whereas less recent (but still not entirely ancient) models only have hardware acceleration circuitry for H.264 (WebM came later and never saw quite wide enough adoption to have the momentum to be treated similarly, as I understand it, though I could be wrong on that — at least, I've never heard of there ever being any hardware WebM decoders, but that might have more to do with how I'm more familiar with Macs than Windows and Linux PCs…)

juneyourtech commented 6 years ago

@RandomDSdevel I don't entirely trust ProxySite. Its additional caveat is, that Flash playback is much more CPU-intensive (at 95% on a 1.46 GHz single-core), with the silver lining, that it's practically stutterless. I've considered creating a separate Firefox profile just for ProxySite, and simultaneously using another Firefox instance for normal web browsing and site logins.

Per the relevant Wikipedia article on WebM, chip support has mostly been limited to mobile-based implementations. The big guys that release to desktops, have been listed as having had 'announced support,' and 'considering support.'

LincDavis commented 6 years ago

If one didn't care about copyright, he could just download the videos with VLC, youtube-dl, or something like that, and have done with it. But that would be wrong.

mrkapqa commented 6 years ago

i tried this "Youtube Bypass Login" and it actually works, not so elegantly as before, but at least quicktime placeholder is there and you can "float" video as usual. only thing to do is to manually replace the
watch?v= with v/

as explained here https://techpiration.com/watch-restricted-youtube-videos-without-signing-in/


elee1989 commented 6 years ago

AFAIK, WebM doesn't have hardware acceleration support on the iPhone or the iPad or any Apple device. I don't think Youtube/Google is ready to leave behind ad revenue generated by Apple users.

elee1989 commented 6 years ago

Based on the nsfwyoutube.com bookmarklet and the article link from @mrkapqa , I've come up with a bookmarklet that replaces "watch?v=" with "v/". Enjoy!


mrkapqa commented 6 years ago

awesome! many thanks for that! it works, and if you prefer using quicktime 7, you just need to have it open, and it will use quicktime 7 instead of quicktime X , with the additional benefit that you can use "afloat" for making the video windows sticky in the front

you can get quicktime 7 here > https://support.apple.com/kb/dl923?locale=de_DE afloat here (installation easy only til yosemite, after that one need to disable sip) > http://www.tucows.com/preview/827212/Afloat

RandomDSdevel commented 6 years ago


@RandomDSdevel I don't entirely trust ProxySite. …

Hmm, that's probably wise. I haven't experienced any major problems beyond what I've seen with YouTube's Flash Player in the past just yet, but I should likely follow your lead and be more cautious on fronts like this. That being said, I was

…Its additional caveat is, that Flash playback is much more CPU-intensive (at 95% on a 1.42 GHz single-core), with the silver lining, that it's practically stutterless.

Whether you mean just on ProxySite or in general, I'm willing to sacrifice a bit of processing power to watch videos free of jitter.


…(installation easy only til elcapitan, after that one need to disable sip)…

Except that disabling System Integrity Protection…defeats the entire point of having it in the first place. (Said point is to lock down certain OS-integral files and directories so that not even root can access them, which is actually a great idea from a security standpoint.)

mrkapqa commented 6 years ago

@RandomDSdevel yeah, but i did not ask for the SIP, and if asked so if i would not acconsent it being included when upgrading from Mavericks or Yosemite to ElCapitan, i would not have acconsented because it makes life unnecessary tedious and slow on Osx. Software is there to use and not to lock people in and box them up in closed environment. But Apple grants SIP as integral part of their newer MacOS , so there it is, but if one does not like it , he should be able to disable it, just as one should be able to leave his front door open, if he likes the fresh air to come in.

juneyourtech commented 6 years ago

@RandomDSdevel The high CPU usage of 95% with Flash Player is with ProxySite playing back YouTube videos.

With the YouTube-native Flash-based player forced through an iframe embed, it was around 50–85%, and that was with my now-defunct userscript, after Yt removed Flash from the main page.

And before that, the YouTube-native Flash-based video player consumed even less CPU resources, hovering at around 50%, and sometimes slightly less even. With a single-core 1.46 GHz Celeron M CPU.

RandomDSdevel commented 6 years ago

@juneyourtech: Right, of course. (I thumbs-upped your post, too.)


@RandomDSdevel yeah, but i did not ask for the SIP, and if asked so if i would not acconsent [(sic)] it being included when upgrading from Mavericks or Yosemite to ElCapitan, i would not have acconsented [(sic)] because it makes life unnecessary tedious and slow on Osx. Software is there to use and not to lock people in and box them up in closed environment. But Apple grants SIP as integral part of their newer MacOS , so there it is, but if one does not like it , he should be able to disable it, just as one should be able to leave his front door open, if he likes the fresh air to come in.

     SIP shouldn't affect your system's performance negatively at all — at least, not as far as I'm aware, that is. As for the rest, here's my take on what a security expert would say if standing on a soapbox even though I'm not one:

Clears throat, assumes mock aristocratic/patronizing tone of voice… _Also_, if you _want_ to run amok tinkering with system internals without any safeguards against borking your computer in place, then be my guest at your own risk. You should _probably_ be doing it either in a sandboxed virtual machine or on a device disconnected from the Internet. There might be malware out there _specifically_ designed to target Macs running El Capitan and later with System Integrity Protection turned off. Hopefully you additionally keep backups and/or have a firewall and/or anti-malware software set up.

That being said, I wouldn't be here on GitHub and around other sites on the Web that cater to individuals of somewhat hacktivist tendencies if I weren't one to a certain extent myself, so I'll stand by the 'glare slightly wide-eyed, then relax and shrug nonchalantly' approach I took above by knocking myself off of my soapbox after I said my piece.

P. S. to just my reply to you, @mrkapqa: Massive apologies in advance if that came out at all wrong; that was…sort of just off the cuff, as it were, if you'll catch my meaning.

JohnBlackburne commented 6 years ago

I was just reminded that the next major revision of Mac OS is out in a matter of days. Probably not worth even looking into this until after its release, as Apple traditionally break things related to CTP each OS update. This release in particular is the first since Flash’s EOL was announced, so there may be changes related to that.

Also Apple are adding support for H.265 in the OS, which will hopefully be soon supported by Youtube and other sites. That might also require an update, or if CTP is not updated any alternatives like youtube-dl that are able to handle the much more efficient format become much more attractive.

RandomDSdevel commented 6 years ago

@JohnBlackburne: A tad disheartening, but you may have a valid point there. Apple hasn't shipped Flash with macOS in quite a while now, though, as you probably recall, so I don't know what effects might have to be accounted for…

elee1989 commented 6 years ago

@JohnBlackburne, ClickToPlugin is basically JavaScript code that basically massages H.264/MPEG-4 AVC content to play in QuickTime. Assuming that Apple's inclusion of H.265/HEVC support is completely contained within the AV Foundation framework, I'm guessing what little code works in ClickToPlugin with H.264 will automagically work with H.265. If I have time, I may try to learn enough JavaScript get this thing working again. That's how much I hate Youtube's autoplaying feature.

a-greyyyyy commented 6 years ago

If I have time, I may try to learn enough JavaScript get this thing working again. That's how much I hate Youtube's autoplaying feature.


oh, the interwebs (at least us here) will rain down blessings on you if you did such a thing.

RandomDSdevel commented 6 years ago

@elee1989: Don't forget to test the other formats that ClickToFlash/ClickToFlash supports to make sure that they work after you're done.

elee1989 commented 6 years ago

Welp, Safari 11.0 just killed all the tips I know for tricking the plugin to load. I'm at a loss. 😢

poweruser82 commented 6 years ago

Check if the version in the @nabeelr pull request works https://github.com/nabeelr/clicktoplugin

elee1989 commented 6 years ago

@poweruser82, just tried the @nabeelr branch. It's put me back to where I was pre-Safari 11, i.e. Youtube URLs do not load but my Javascript hack that changes the URL from "watch?v=" to "v/" works again.

mrkapqa commented 6 years ago

Your Javascript hack is indeed very ußeful. On my computer i had to additionally install Flas Player to make it convert for playback as the qicktime, ootherwise it would just download a .swf or so file

Von meinem iPad gesendet

Am 21.09.2017 um 16:40 schrieb elee1989 notifications@github.com:

@poweruser82, just tried the @nabeelr branch. It's put me back to where I was pre-Safari 11, i.e. Youtube URLs do not load but my Javascript hack that changes the URL from "watch?v=" to "v/" works again.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.

RandomDSdevel commented 6 years ago

@poweruser82: Neat, but I'll hold off on pulling down this fix until it gets merged into ClickToFlash/ClickToPlugin properly by @hoyois so I can get it via Safari's preferences' 'Extensions' tab's 'Updates' sidebar item once it and anything else necessary to get everything working fully get pushed through to the official distribution channel for that to happen. (That's how I've installed updates for extensions that don't auto-update before, and I hesitate to fix something that isn't broken.)

mrkapqa commented 6 years ago

There are quite some steps now to make it active as before; i just like the quicktime option as it allows to detach the video window and place it wherever i want on the screen (and with the use of afloat-bundle also to make it stay in front of all open windows when quicktime 7 is used instead of quicktime x).

Following steps i need to do as of end of september 2017



  1. Now headover to youtube and select a video for Playback
  2. When the Window opens, it should show black window and no playback - Now i need to click the above Bookmark or evoke it via Shortcut if properly placed in the BookmarkBar, eg. CMD+1 if placed in the first place, for CMd+2 if placed second place,
  3. Quicktime Placeholder should appear, and another click selects it to play.
  4. On PPC Machines running Leopard it automatically selects Quicktime 7 Player, but Afloat is not available
  5. On Intel Machines normally it would open now Quicktime X, and no Afloat is available. Additionally one can install Quicktime 7 for SnowLeopard and onwards and open it ; if quicktime 7 is open, it automatically opens Quicktime 7 instead of Quicktime X (if Quicktime X is not active) and when Afloat is installed, one can make the Windows "Afloat" --- Great Feature!
  6. This solution should work well til Mountain Lion
  7. On Mavericks and Yosemite, the playback works after Quicktime Plugin is enabled to Run in Unsafe Mode in the Security Tab of Safari Settings

if one would like to achieve Floating Feature with Quicktime, one would need to install the Quicktime Plugin 7.7.1 from here https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1wP_tnznvY0YldzVGY5SFBab00/view?usp=sharing and place it in /Library/Internet Plugins to replace Quicktime Plugin 7.7.3

  1. On Elcapitan , Quicktime 7.7.1 is entirely disabled, but Quicktime 7.7.3 is still able to be used, when dragged from the disabled Plugins Folder into /Library/Internet Plugins - however, the videos are only to be played inside the Safari Window, and won't detach anymore, as of my experience.
  2. With Sierra, or HighSieera , it seems, Clicktoplugin does no more recognize QuicktimePlugin, even 7.7.3 . and i don't know if this is going to change.
  3. With Sieerra there is supposedly this PIP-Mode for some videos on Youtube, which is a shallow mode resembling what Hoyois Clicktoplugin Featured Quicktime allowed.
mrkapqa commented 6 years ago

Afloat can be found here http://www.tucows.com/thankyou.html?swid=827212

RandomDSdevel commented 6 years ago

That's all well and good, @mrkapqa, but does the YouTubeXHR.js killer work when you select 'Shockwave Flash' or 'Flash Player,' whichever it's called in the full version of ClickToPlugin? (I only use its more minimalist 'ClickToFlash' variant personally, so I believe that would be my only option, but I'd have to check to make sure of that.) And would one need to create the bookmarklet for that setup as well? I can wait until I have macOS High Sierra installed on a new machine (I'll probably just skip normal Sierra at this point) to use picture-in-picture mode. I'd also be quite wary of disabling Safari's plug-in sandbox for Quicktime, to say the least, if I were using it in this manner myself — I have it installed, but only for handling file formats it takes priority for, such as MIDI — due to…well, everyone here already knows which way I lean when it comes to possible security vulnerability issues by now given my impromptu novice spiel leakage earlier, so I'll leave it at that.

mrkapqa commented 6 years ago

honestly, i don't know, because i always tried to avoid it, since coming from powerbook g4 i know that flash can be major issue on older computers (hence also it being disabled , but majorly, for security reasons, in the "Firefox" for PPC-macs TenFourFox (which again, is not a big problem there - since you can use QTEnabler , which is minorly elegant, but still enables YouTube Playback via Quicktime.

I did not notice any issues when replacing the Quicktime Plugin 7.7.3 with the Quicktime 7.7.1 , apart that ClickToPlugin funktionality was restored after enabling the plugin to run in unsafe Mode in the Safari Security Tab; but again, Apple disabled Quicktime Plugin in ElCapitan entirely as it seems, apparently for security reasons, but i don't know whats the story behind; to me it seems that it just works really well, and on ipad the seem still using it in a way or another;

The HTML5 is just opening up for a lot of unwanted publicity , which is also very annoing i think, maybe therefore they are trying to curb down the possible options to access Youtube, to force people to consume part of those ads, which can be a real TimeDrain, too.

Am 23.09.17 um 21:16 schrieb Bryce Glover:

That's all well and good, @mrkapqa https://github.com/mrkapqa, but does the |YouTubeXHR.js| killer work when you select 'Shockwave Flash' or 'Flash Player,' whichever it's called in the full version of ClickToPlugin? (I only use its more minimalist 'ClickToFlash' variant personally.) And would one need to create the bookmarklet for that setup as well? I can wait until I have macOS High Sierra installed on a new machine (I'll probably just skip /normal/ Sierra at /this/ point) to use picture-in-picture mode. I'd also be /quite/ wary of disabling Safari's plug-in sandbox for Quicktime, to say the least, if I were using it in this manner myself — I have it installed, but only for handling file formats it takes priority for, such as MIDI — due to…well, everyone here already knows which way I lean when it comes to possible security vulnerability issues by now given my impromptu novice spiel leakage earlier https://github.com/hoyois/clicktoplugin/issues/185#issuecomment-329993946, so I'll leave it at that.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/hoyois/clicktoplugin/issues/185#issuecomment-331664045, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AMWQCZu8btDLKmrCaxNXBu_54CvdwgG7ks5slVkQgaJpZM4Okt8A.

mrkapqa commented 6 years ago

i did not find the Flash Option anymore under "Standard Media Player" in the ClickToPlugin Settings, only "HTML5" "Plugin (formerly Flash?) "Quicktime" "AirPlay" . I tried with "Plugin", it loads a Flash-Placeholder after clicking the Bookmarklet, but does not Play it, instead it converts into Quicktime-Placeholder, which again is being played withouth problems (and i found out, that even Quicktime X is able to stay afloat, at least for some vids :)

Am 23.09.17 um 21:16 schrieb Bryce Glover:

That's all well and good, @mrkapqa https://github.com/mrkapqa, but does the |YouTubeXHR.js| killer work when you select 'Shockwave Flash' or 'Flash Player,' whichever it's called in the full version of ClickToPlugin? (I only use its more minimalist 'ClickToFlash' variant personally.) And would one need to create the bookmarklet for that setup as well? I can wait until I have macOS High Sierra installed on a new machine (I'll probably just skip /normal/ Sierra at /this/ point) to use picture-in-picture mode. I'd also be /quite/ wary of disabling Safari's plug-in sandbox for Quicktime, to say the least, if I were using it in this manner myself — I have it installed, but only for handling file formats it takes priority for, such as MIDI — due to…well, everyone here already knows which way I lean when it comes to possible security vulnerability issues by now given my impromptu novice spiel leakage earlier https://github.com/hoyois/clicktoplugin/issues/185#issuecomment-329993946, so I'll leave it at that.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/hoyois/clicktoplugin/issues/185#issuecomment-331664045, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AMWQCZu8btDLKmrCaxNXBu_54CvdwgG7ks5slVkQgaJpZM4Okt8A.

mrkapqa commented 6 years ago

it looks a bit like this

Am 23.09.17 um 21:16 schrieb Bryce Glover:

That's all well and good, @mrkapqa https://github.com/mrkapqa, but does the |YouTubeXHR.js| killer work when you select 'Shockwave Flash' or 'Flash Player,' whichever it's called in the full version of ClickToPlugin? (I only use its more minimalist 'ClickToFlash' variant personally.) And would one need to create the bookmarklet for that setup as well? I can wait until I have macOS High Sierra installed on a new machine (I'll probably just skip /normal/ Sierra at /this/ point) to use picture-in-picture mode. I'd also be /quite/ wary of disabling Safari's plug-in sandbox for Quicktime, to say the least, if I were using it in this manner myself — I have it installed, but only for handling file formats it takes priority for, such as MIDI — due to…well, everyone here already knows which way I lean when it comes to possible security vulnerability issues by now given my impromptu novice spiel leakage earlier https://github.com/hoyois/clicktoplugin/issues/185#issuecomment-329993946, so I'll leave it at that.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/hoyois/clicktoplugin/issues/185#issuecomment-331664045, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AMWQCZu8btDLKmrCaxNXBu_54CvdwgG7ks5slVkQgaJpZM4Okt8A.

mrkapqa commented 6 years ago

bildschirmfoto 2017-09-23 um 23 57 04

RandomDSdevel commented 6 years ago

@mrkapqa: Hmm, that is odd. I still see 'Flash' as an option in the 'Default media player' drop-down menu under the 'Media player' tab of ClickToFlash's preferences if I re-enable the extension just to check. Before all of the messy details causing this issue went down, YouTube's Flash player would quickly replace its HTML5 player right where it was after navigating to a video, at least for ones on YouTube and probably for ones embedded elsewhere, too, though I'm getting the impression that those stayed Flash for a while after the main site did from chatter in this thread. I'd like to see if this usage pattern of mine can receive rented support from ClickToFlash as well, but that might take some doing…

mrkapqa commented 6 years ago

@RandomDSdevel: there is an option under "Plug-Ins" in the ClickToPlugin settings, to load Shockwave-Flash automatically, that would lead to the Flash-Placeholder, but then it would not Play the Flash-Item anymore

I tried also on HighSierra, and also there, Quicktime Plugin is no more recognized by ClicktoPlugin, but it is able to somehow playback Flash Videos, if i remember correctly; but thats not what i am searching for.

Those are screenshots from Imac running Snow Leopard

bildschirmfoto 2017-09-24 um 13 12 40

bildschirmfoto 2017-09-24 um 13 12 56

Also, when selecting Quicktime Player as preferred Plugin, it would still show the Option of Flash Player as playback-option , but it would not load Flash Player anymore but give the error above.

bildschirmfoto 2017-09-24 um 13 20 23

So for my needs, ClicktoPlugin still works with some hacks til Yosemite , on ElCapitan it still can be used for -in-window-playback with Quicktime Option, but no more detachment of window, and afterwards, it seems even more restricted. On High Sierra, there is the possibility to "regulate" in the Safari Options quite a number of Plugins, but , this didn#t help so far with ClickToPlugin.

RandomDSdevel commented 6 years ago


@RandomDSdevel: there is an option under "Plug-Ins" in the ClickToPlugin settings, to load Shockwave-Flash automatically, …

     Yeah, that's probably ClickToPlugin's equivalent of the option I see in ClickToFlash.

…that would lead to the Flash-Placeholder, but then it would not Play the Flash-Item anymore

     Wait, I thought that's one of the things a resolution to this issue would fix…

I tried also on HighSierra, and also there, Quicktime Plugin is no more recognized by ClicktoPlugin, but it is able to somehow playback Flash Videos, if i remember correctly; …

     This might be a rather obtusely roundabout method of fixing Flash playback that whoever ends up submitting a PR to resolve this issue might be able to take advantage of in the YouTube killer, then. It's still weird, though, and it would be much more maintainable if somebody could figure out a more straightforward fix.

…but thats not what i am searching for.

     Right, different strokes for different folks. It is what I want, but, hopefully, somebody will be able to resolve this issue to everyone's satisfaction.

So for my needs, ClicktoPlugin still works with some hacks til Yosemite , on ElCapitan it still can be used for -in-window-playback [(sic)] with Quicktime Option, but no more detachment of window, …

     I've mentioned that I personally only play videos in-window myself, but I can understand your frustration that you can't get your preferences to work for you. I, on the other hand, would be happy if YouTube videos played at all.

…and afterwards, it seems even more restricted. …

     Ugh, blargh!

…On High Sierra, there is the possibility to "regulate" in the Safari Options quite a number of Plugins, but , this didn#t help so far with ClickToPlugin.

     Are you referring to toggling the 'Run in Safe Mode' option off, dubious as I remain of the security of setting the preference that way? I have Safari 11 for El Capitan, which is probably similar enough to the browser's same version's High Sierra release that I can say with some certainty that, if you haven't already (I can't remember if it's been mentioned in this thread before, and, if so, where it might have been,) you can find it by:

  1. Opening Safari's preferences window.
  2. Going to its 'Websites' tab.
  3. Selecting 'QuickTime' from under 'Plug-ins' in that tab's sidebar.
  4. Option-clicking the drop-down menu of plug-in handling options for either a particular web site or all web sites.

You should then see 'Run in Safe Mode' at the bottom of that drop-down menu, likely with a check box to its left due to its default setting; remember, however, that said option only appears when its containing drop-down menu is Option-clicked, as it otherwise doesn't show its face.

a-greyyyyy commented 6 years ago

is that it? is it dead? is someone working on this?

updates, please!!!

mrkapqa commented 6 years ago

i am still using it, with the 2-click solution
(clicktoplugin+bookmarklet), and am hoping for it being revived to
full functionality one day :)

Zitat von a-greyyyyy notifications@github.com:

is that it? is it dead? is someone working on this?

updates, please!!!

-- You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/hoyois/clicktoplugin/issues/185#issuecomment-350434370

a-greyyyyy commented 6 years ago

@mrkapqa yeah, no thanks. i can just one of the various downloaders i have, or firefox with downloadhelper. i don't need some convoluted trick, this isn't linux.

mrkapqa commented 6 years ago

@a-greyyyyy but clicktoplugin offers a lot more than just download files; i made a short video, please forgive the non-professionality + hope it doesn't offend you https://drive.google.com/open?id=19ps6qPuakZDfBBrwPO32vJvuiTyLi-Jf

a-greyyyyy commented 6 years ago

@mrkapqa i understand, the right-click download abilities were a side benefit. i still used that abillity to download regularly, though, and i've had to use other methods now since c2f/c2p are now dead.

a-greyyyyy commented 6 years ago

new year, any updates?

vmachiel commented 6 years ago

It's dead. The plugin won't be updated, and the scripts to get the qt player to appear relied on forcing flash on the youtube player (which would be replaced by QT player). There doesn't seem to be a way to do that anymore. So yeah.. that's it.

RandomDSdevel commented 6 years ago

😞:cry::sob: (In all seriousness, though, I'll just have to deal with video skips in the HTML5 player or not running much of anything else alongside the Safari tab containing it until I get a new machine…sighs…)

a-greyyyyy commented 6 years ago

oh well... uninstalled ctf. if it's a dead issue, no point in hanging on. maybe this thread should be closed.

RandomDSdevel commented 6 years ago

Eh, I'm sure @hoyois will get around to doing that eventually…holds a short vigil service for ClickToFlash/ClickToPlugin.