hoyois / mediacenter

Play media content from Safari in QuickTime Player or on Apple TV
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Can't stop sending/playing Airplay video... #2

Closed safari70 closed 11 years ago

safari70 commented 11 years ago

First of all thanks for this great extension! it works really well to play videos on airplay'd AppleTV... However, how do you stop the video mid-way? I accidentally closed the Safari window when still sending the video and surprisingly it didn't stop on Apple TV but it kept on playing!! so i tried disabling/re-enabling Media Center extension in Safari, but video kept on playing on Apple TV.. Finally I quit Safari, and even then, video kept on playing on Apple TV - Would it be possible to add a "stop seining to Airplay" in the contextual menu to stop sending over Airplay (or other solution to stop playing a video over Airplay)? thanks!

hoyois commented 11 years ago

There's a toolbar button that does exactly that (see http://hoyois.github.com/safariextensions/mediacenter/). Right-click in Safari's toolbar and choose "Customize Toolbar" to get it.

hoyois commented 11 years ago

By the way, would you mind telling me if you have Apple TV 2 or the latest 1080p one? I still haven't got confirmation that the extension works with the latest Apple TV.

safari70 commented 11 years ago

I completely missed that extra button, thanks!!! (as a suggestion, maybe if you put it on a separate line it would be easier to read?).. I'm using ATV2 so can't comment on the latest one... Another thing i noticed is that my iPhone automagically displays the name of the ATV2 as a destination for Airplay while Media Center does not pick it up... It might be functionality built into iOS and not OS X, but it would be nice to have a list of "discovered" Airplay devices to pick from instead of manually configuring it in Media Center, but again, not sure if that's doable in OS X... Thanks again!

hoyois commented 11 years ago

What do you mean by "on a separate line"??

Another thing i noticed is that my iPhone automagically displays the name of the ATV2 as a destination for Airplay while Media Center does not pick it up... It might be functionality built into iOS and not OS X, but it would be nice to have a list of "discovered" Airplay devices to pick from instead of manually configuring it in Media Center, but again, not sure if that's doable in OS X…

Yeah, this is really not possible. An extension's basically a web page, so functionality is very limited.

safari70 commented 11 years ago

Sorry for not being clear: On the Media Center page (http://hoyois.github.com/safariextensions/mediacenter), the sentence "It also provides an optional toolbar button to stop playback on the Apple TV (fig. 2)." is at the end of the first paragraph and not very obvious - In my opinion it would be much better to put that sentence by itself on a separate line - Here's an example with a bit of re-wording to make it standout further:

This extension adds contextual menu items to links and HTML5 media elements (fig. 1) that allow you to download a media resource, open it in the QuickTime Player application, or view it on an Apple TV (or any compatible AirPlay device). To stop playback on Airplay devices, use the provided "Airplay" button which can be added from Safari's "Customize Toolbar" menu (fig. 2).
hoyois commented 11 years ago

Good suggestion, I'll modify the web page.