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Download feature not working anymore #3

Closed JanX2 closed 11 years ago

JanX2 commented 11 years ago

It’s been quite a while since I have used the “Download Media” feature. I tried it today and I don’t get any result. Am I missing something?

hoyois commented 11 years ago

It still works. What exactly is the problem?

JanX2 commented 11 years ago

I just thought this was a collision between ClickToPlugin and MediaCenter. Enabling download only in one or the other didn’t solve the issue, though.

I am trying this with Safari 5.1.7 BTW.

I can’t get it to work here for example: http://www.wired.com/underwire/2012/11/genre-films-fake-ads/?viewall=true

hoyois commented 11 years ago

There's no HTML5 video on this page that MediaCenter would apply to.

JanX2 commented 11 years ago

Using ClickToPlugin there is! I also forced HTML5 video using an iOS user agent in Safari.

hoyois commented 11 years ago

ClickToPlugin already provides all the features of MediaCenter so the MediaCenter extension does not apply to CTP videos. It's only for HTML5 videos not created by CTP. If you get HTML5 videos by switching user agent, MediaCenter will apply to them.

JanX2 commented 11 years ago

I finally got it to work: I disabled both ClickToPlugin and MediaCenter and used an iOS user agent.

The contextual menu entry for downloading doesn’t work with either ClickToPlugin OR MediaCenter enabled and with or without an iOS user agent. With some combinations of the above the entry doesn’t even appear.

hoyois commented 11 years ago

With CTP enabled I can download every video on the page above, and with iOS+Flash disabled+MediaCenter I can as well. If you disable both CTP and MediaCenter there won't be any "Download Video" option in the contextual menu, so I guess I don't understand what you're talking about here.

JanX2 commented 11 years ago

No, there won’t be such an option. But I get inline links where the video should be. One for each bitrate. I checked and I really can’t use the download feature anywhere I have tried in Safari. It’s dumbfounding!

My feeling is that this may be some kind of localization issue. I am running Safari in German.On the the other hand I may be totally off...

hoyois commented 11 years ago

The links you mention are created by CTP. If you see such links when CTP is disabled then there's something really wrong with your extensions.

Works as expected for me in German as well, by the way.

JanX2 commented 11 years ago

You probably are right and there is something very wrong here. After playing around with a combination of settings, I found out that “JavaScript Blocker” will keep the videos from working entirely if it’s not set up correctly, which is to be expected. :) This is really difficult to debug, because I have so many plugins. I have kept disabling them...

I figured out how to get this to be reproducible: I can get the links described above, if I disable both “JavaScript Blocker” and MediaCenter. Once the page is loaded, I disable CTP and the links appear.

If I don’t disable CTP, but just right click one of the videos to download the video from the context menu nothing happens. The only way I could download was disabling CTP after loading and using its links!

hoyois commented 11 years ago

Just disable everything except CTP, and it will work (make sure the "Download Video" context menu is enabled). Then you can easily figure out which extension is causing a problem.

JanX2 commented 11 years ago

I tried that while writing the above. It still didn’t work.

But I finally got it to work: I had to disable CTP’s “Use Download Manager” option in the first tab. Now it works as expected. That means that this option doesn’t do what I expected ages ago when setting (and forgetting) it: to allow Safari’s download manager to download the video instead of some mechanism internal to CTP!

hoyois commented 11 years ago

Sorry I didn't think about that option earlier! This option should only be checked if you want to use a 3rd party download manager.

JanX2 commented 11 years ago

That’s what I figured after switching it off and everything was working. :)

Thanks for your help!