hoyon / mpv-mpris

MPRIS plugin for mpv
MIT License
594 stars 35 forks source link

mpv-mpris not detected #92

Open niels0n opened 1 year ago

niels0n commented 1 year ago

Hey, I have installed mpv-mpris on Void, I have mpris.so in ~/.config/mpv/scripts but it simply doesn't work. From terminal it doesn't say anything, no errors, no mention of it, nothing, it's just like it wasn't installed but it is.

Do you have any idea how can I troubleshoot this?

arktnld commented 1 year ago


hoyon commented 1 year ago

There is no visible output in the terminal if all is running properly without error.

Have you tried using a tool like playerctl to list all the active players to confirm that the plugin is not being loaded at all?

ssokolow commented 4 months ago

How about this?

I have Firefox, Ungoogled Chromium, Audacious Media Player, and MPV installed via Flatpak, and mpris.so is bundled into the MPV Flatpak, and the Flatpak's manifest permissions are still on the default --own-name=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.mpv.* grant, but it silently fails to work.

ssokolow@monolith-tng ~ % playerctl -l

I can also confirm that those three show up in QDbusViewer if you filter the session bus for mpris, but MPV does not.

I should also point out that's without playerctld running, because, with it, there is a playerctl bug that can also hide things.

(With playerctld, I've seen the system get into a state where those three are still accessible and interactible through QDbusViewer, but Audacious Media Player also fails to show up until I kill playerctld.)

kzwkt commented 3 months ago

1.0 version works fine 1.1 have problem in debian stable dont know about void