Goal: to ensure a community of sufficient size and health exists to support the new Lesson Program after adoption.
[ ] Assign at least three maintainers to maintain each of the lessons, without unreasonable overlap between the maintainer teams of each lesson (i.e. the same people maintaining multiple lessons)
[ ] Create an onboarding document and process for existing Carpentries instructors so that they can determine whether or not they should consider teaching these lessons
[ ] Create a plan to recruit additional instructors for the program
[ ] Create a plan to recruit new contributors to the program’s lessons
[ ] Demonstrate community support for the lessons (for example by providing metrics on GitHub activity, attendance at collaboration sessions, feedback from instructors, or similar metrics)
(From https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/governance/lesson-program-policy.html#phase-2-incubation)
Goal: to ensure a community of sufficient size and health exists to support the new Lesson Program after adoption.