hpc-carpentry / hpc-shell

Materials to teach terminal fundamentals for HPC users
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Use collapsible sections for connecting #43

Open bkmgit opened 3 years ago

bkmgit commented 3 years ago

Use collapsible sections for connecting, follows https://gist.github.com/pierrejoubert73/902cc94d79424356a8d20be2b382e1ab though can possible add a template for this. Addresses https://github.com/hpc-carpentry/hpc-shell/issues/40

tkphd commented 3 years ago

I like the result, but have concerns over the implementation.

Please present the recommended practice (EdDSA) in full, then create a {: .callout} box mentioning that other crypto-systems or authentication methods may be employed. Inside, use {: .solution} blocks to create drop-down choices.

bkmgit commented 3 years ago

@tkphd Maybe we need something other than {: .solution} to create a dropdown. Made an issue for this in the styles repository https://github.com/carpentries/styles/issues/595