hpc-carpentry / hpc-shell

Materials to teach terminal fundamentals for HPC users
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merge updated machinery from carpentries/styles #7

Closed tkphd closed 6 years ago

tkphd commented 6 years ago

The carpentries/styles repo has been updated a bit since hpc-intro was created. This PR merges the unified Carpentries style, with a few changes to top-level files for compatibility and deduplication. These changes resolve some issues flagged by make lesson-check-all, particularly relating to figures. The updated style does not appear to break any content in the episodes.

In addition, ran make lesson-check-all and resolved most issues, including excessive line lengths. Current output is

$ make lesson-check-all
./CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md: Internally-defined links may be missing definitions:
 "Carpentry Code of Conduct"=>"coc", "reporting guidelines"=>"coc-reporting"
./_episodes/01-connecting.md: Line(s) are too long: 121
./_episodes/02-navigation.md: Line(s) are too long: 93, 296, 305
./_episodes/03-files.md: Line(s) are too long: 225
./_episodes/04-wildcards-pipes.md: Line(s) are too long: 27
./_episodes/05-scripts.md: Line(s) are too long: 277