This has changes needed to support the use of the existing observing sessions across the code base. It also fixes several bugs discovered in that process.
SimGround operator now has a trait specifying the input focalplane key to use for splitting telescopes into observations within one session. Move some code out of exec() and into a separate method.
In atmosphere simulations, group detectors by frequency range and separately calculate the common absorption and loading for each.
Use session UID instead of observation UID across operators where that was the intended behavior.
Support multifrequency fake focalplanes for unit testing.
When simulating noise models whose streams are detector PSDs, use the detector UID for the index.
Fix typo in Bandpass.get_range() method.
Fix bug introduced recently in Poly2D filter.
Fix unit test for YieldCut operator to account for case of running with MPI where each process has a subset of the global detectors.
This has changes needed to support the use of the existing observing sessions across the code base. It also fixes several bugs discovered in that process.
SimGround operator now has a trait specifying the input focalplane key to use for splitting telescopes into observations within one session. Move some code out of exec() and into a separate method.
In atmosphere simulations, group detectors by frequency range and separately calculate the common absorption and loading for each.
Use session UID instead of observation UID across operators where that was the intended behavior.
Support multifrequency fake focalplanes for unit testing.
When simulating noise models whose streams are detector PSDs, use the detector UID for the index.
Fix typo in Bandpass.get_range() method.
Fix bug introduced recently in Poly2D filter.
Fix unit test for YieldCut operator to account for case of running with MPI where each process has a subset of the global detectors.