hpcaitech / ColossalAI

Making large AI models cheaper, faster and more accessible
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[BUG]: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'colossalai.utils.model.colo_init_context' #3535

Open wccccp opened 1 year ago

wccccp commented 1 year ago

🐛 Describe the bug

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=6 python train.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "train.py", line 13, in from colossalai.utils.model.colo_init_context import ColoInitContext ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'colossalai.utils.model.colo_init_context'


absl-py 1.4.0 accelerate 0.17.1 aiohttp 3.8.4 aiosignal 1.3.1 albumentations 1.3.0 altair 4.2.2 antlr4-python3-runtime 4.8 anyio 3.6.2 anykeystore 0.2 apex 0.9.10.dev0 appdirs 1.4.4 arrow 1.2.3 asttokens 2.2.1 async-timeout 4.0.2 attrs 22.2.0 backcall 0.2.0 backports.zoneinfo 0.2.1 bcrypt 4.0.1 beautifulsoup4 4.11.2 bitsandbytes 0.37.1 black 23.1.0 blessed 1.20.0 blinker 1.5 boto3 1.26.94 botocore 1.29.94 braceexpand 0.1.7 cachetools 5.3.0 certifi 2022.12.7 cffi 1.15.1 cfgv 3.3.1 charset-normalizer 3.1.0 click 8.1.3 cmake 3.26.0 colossalai 0.2.8 contexttimer 0.3.3 contourpy 1.0.7 coverage 7.2.2 croniter 1.3.8 cryptacular 1.6.2 cryptography 39.0.2 cycler 0.11.0 Cython 0.29.33 datasets 2.10.1 dateutils 0.6.12 decorator 5.1.1 deepdiff 6.3.0 defusedxml 0.7.1 diffusers 0.14.0 dill 0.3.6 distlib 0.3.6 distro 1.8.0 DLLogger 1.0.0 dnspython 2.3.0 docker 6.0.1 docstring-parser 0.8.1 einops 0.3.0 email-validator 1.3.1 entrypoints 0.4 exceptiongroup 1.1.1 executing 1.2.0 fabric 3.0.0 fastapi 0.88.0 fbgemm-gpu 0.2.0 ffmpy 0.3.0 filelock 3.10.0 fire 0.5.0 Flask 2.0.3 fonttools 4.39.2 frozenlist 1.3.3 fsspec 2023.3.0 ftfy 6.1.1 future 0.18.3 gitdb 4.0.10 GitPython 3.1.31 google-auth 2.16.2 google-auth-oauthlib 0.4.6 gradio 3.11.0 greenlet 2.0.2 grpcio 1.51.3 h11 0.12.0 h5py 3.8.0 httpcore 0.15.0 httptools 0.5.0 httpx 0.23.3 huggingface-hub 0.13.2 hupper 1.11 hypothesis 6.70.0 identify 2.5.21 idna 3.4 imageio 2.9.0 imageio-ffmpeg 0.4.2 importlib-metadata 6.1.0 importlib-resources 5.12.0 iniconfig 2.0.0 inquirer 3.1.3 invoke 2.0.0 iopath 0.1.10 ipdb 0.13.13 ipython 8.11.0 itsdangerous 2.1.2 jedi 0.18.2 Jinja2 3.1.2 jmespath 1.0.1 joblib 1.2.0 jsonschema 4.17.3 kiwisolver 1.4.4 lazy_loader 0.1 libcst 0.4.9 lightning 1.9.0 lightning-cloud 0.5.31 lightning-utilities 0.8.0 linkify-it-py 2.0.0 lit 15.0.7 Markdown 3.4.1 markdown-it-py 2.2.0 MarkupSafe 2.1.2 matplotlib 3.7.1 matplotlib-inline 0.1.6 mdit-py-plugins 0.3.5 mdurl 0.1.2 moreorless 0.4.0 mpi4py 3.1.4 mpmath 1.3.0 multidict 6.0.4 multiprocess 0.70.14 mypy-extensions 1.0.0 networkx 3.0 ninja 1.11.1 nltk 3.8.1 nodeenv 1.7.0 numpy 1.24.2 nvidia-cublas-cu11 nvidia-cuda-cupti-cu11 11.7.101 nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu11 11.7.99 nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu11 11.7.99 nvidia-cudnn-cu11 nvidia-cufft-cu11 nvidia-curand-cu11 nvidia-cusolver-cu11 nvidia-cusparse-cu11 nvidia-nccl-cu11 2.14.3 nvidia-nvtx-cu11 11.7.91 oauthlib 3.2.2 omegaconf 2.1.1 open-clip-torch 2.7.0 opencv-python opencv-python-headless ordered-set 4.1.0 orjson 3.8.7 packaging 22.0 pandas 1.5.3 paramiko 3.1.0 parso 0.8.3 PasteDeploy 3.0.1 pathspec 0.11.1 pbkdf2 1.3 peft 0.3.0.dev0 /mnt1/wcp/llm-adapters/llm-adapters/peft pexpect 4.8.0 pickleshare 0.7.5 Pillow 9.4.0 pip 23.0.1 pkgutil_resolve_name 1.3.10 plaster 1.1.2 plaster-pastedeploy 1.0.1 platformdirs 3.1.1 pluggy 1.0.0 portalocker 2.7.0 pre-commit 3.2.0 prefetch-generator 1.0.3 progressbar 2.5 prompt-toolkit 3.0.38 protobuf 3.20.3 psutil 5.9.4 ptyprocess 0.7.0 pudb 2019.2 pure-eval 0.2.2 pyarrow 11.0.0 pyasn1 0.4.8 pyasn1-modules 0.2.8 pycparser 2.21 pycryptodome 3.17 pydantic 1.10.6 pydeck 0.8.0 pyDeprecate 0.3.2 pydub 0.25.1 Pygments 2.14.0 PyJWT 2.6.0 Pympler 1.0.1 PyNaCl 1.5.0 pyparsing 3.0.9 pyramid 2.0.1 pyramid-mailer 0.15.1 pyre-extensions 0.0.27 pyrsistent 0.19.3 pytest 7.2.2 pytest-cov 4.0.0 python-dateutil 2.8.2 python-dotenv 1.0.0 python-editor 1.0.4 python-multipart 0.0.6 python3-openid 3.2.0 pytz 2022.7.1 pytz-deprecation-shim 0.1.0.post0 PyWavelets 1.4.1 PyYAML 6.0 qudida 0.0.4 readchar 4.0.5 regex 2022.10.31 repoze.sendmail 4.4.1 requests 2.28.2 requests-oauthlib 1.3.1 responses 0.18.0 rfc3986 1.5.0 rich 13.3.2 rsa 4.9 s3transfer 0.6.0 safetensors 0.3.0 scikit-build 0.16.7 scikit-image 0.20.0 scikit-learn 1.2.2 scipy 1.9.1 semver 2.13.0 sentencepiece 0.1.97 setuptools 65.6.3 six 1.16.0 smmap 5.0.0 sniffio 1.3.0 sortedcontainers 2.4.0 soupsieve 2.4 SQLAlchemy 1.4.47 stack-data 0.6.2 starlette 0.22.0 starsessions 1.3.0 stdlibs 2022.10.9 streamlit 1.20.0 sympy 1.11.1 tabulate 0.9.0 tensorboard 2.12.0 tensorboard-data-server 0.7.0 tensorboard-plugin-wit 1.8.1 termcolor 2.2.0 test-tube 0.7.5 threadpoolctl 3.1.0 tifffile 2023.3.15 timm 0.6.12 titans 0.0.7 tokenize-rt 5.0.0 tokenizers 0.13.2 toml 0.10.2 tomli 2.0.1 toolz 0.12.0 torch 2.0.0 torchaudio 2.0.1 torchmetrics 0.7.0 torchrec 0.2.0 torchvision 0.15.1 torchx-nightly 2023.3.19 tornado 6.2 tqdm 4.65.0 trailrunner 1.3.0 traitlets 5.9.0 transaction 3.1.0 transformers 4.28.0.dev0 translationstring 1.4 triton 2.0.0 typing_extensions 4.5.0 typing-inspect 0.8.0 tzdata 2022.7 tzlocal 4.3 uc-micro-py 1.0.1 ujson 5.7.0 urllib3 1.26.15 urwid 2.1.2 usort 1.0.5 uvicorn 0.21.1 uvloop 0.17.0 validators 0.20.0 velruse 1.1.1 venusian 3.0.0 virtualenv 20.21.0 watchdog 2.3.1 watchfiles 0.18.1 wcwidth 0.2.6 webdataset 0.2.5 WebOb 1.8.7 websocket-client 1.5.1 websockets 10.4 Werkzeug 2.2.3 wheel 0.38.4 WTForms 3.0.1 wtforms-recaptcha 0.3.2 xxhash 3.2.0 yarl 1.8.2 zipp 3.15.0 zope.deprecation 4.4.0 zope.interface 6.0 zope.sqlalchemy 2.0

JThh commented 1 year ago

Can you use from colossalai.zero import ColoInitContext instead?

shellin-star commented 1 year ago

hello, I had the same bug and it was solved by your method, but I encountered a new bug: from colossalai.gemini import ChunkManager, GeminiManager ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'colossalai.gemini'

how can i solve it? Looking forward to your reply, thanks!