I had a workflow with esbuild bundling hpcc/wasm and the d3-graphviz and some other code.
Since updating the packages I'm getting an error when running the bundler:
✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "./duckdb.js"
3 │ ...s=>s.Base91.load())}i.load=o})(Sa||={});var Qa;(i=>{function o(){return import("./duckdb.js").then(s=>s.DuckDB.load())}i.load=o})(Qa||={});var Ja;(i=>{function o(){return ...
╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It looks like it's trying to find a local duckdb.js in the dist folder but can't resolve it? The other imports base91.js and expat.js all seem to be present.
I had a workflow with esbuild bundling hpcc/wasm and the d3-graphviz and some other code.
Since updating the packages I'm getting an error when running the bundler:
It looks like it's trying to find a local duckdb.js in the dist folder but can't resolve it? The other imports base91.js and expat.js all seem to be present.