Hi @agustin-vaca - this is looking good so far. I noticed one hard-coded link to your nethome for Quicksilver, which we might need to generalize.
For this PR, can I ask you to add some basic command-line testing capability using nbmake and pytest?
As a separate BASH script is fine for now - our goal is to get these into our normal CI testing framework so we can make sure changes with the refactor don't break the notebook.
1) Create a venv in the script using Python 3.9 or 3.10 (see here for a reference: https://gt-crnch-rg.readthedocs.io/en/main/general/python-environments.html)
2) pip install pytest
3) check errors on a CRNCH node to see if they make sense.
4) You can skip the semaphore and other integration since we will use GH actions.
Hi @agustin-vaca - this is looking good so far. I noticed one hard-coded link to your nethome for Quicksilver, which we might need to generalize.
For this PR, can I ask you to add some basic command-line testing capability using nbmake and pytest?
As a separate BASH script is fine for now - our goal is to get these into our normal CI testing framework so we can make sure changes with the refactor don't break the notebook.
1) Create a venv in the script using Python 3.9 or 3.10 (see here for a reference: https://gt-crnch-rg.readthedocs.io/en/main/general/python-environments.html) 2) pip install pytest 3) check errors on a CRNCH node to see if they make sense. 4) You can skip the semaphore and other integration since we will use GH actions.