Spatter v1.1 accepted 'gs' as a kernel option from the command-line. The gather-scatter pattern now uses 'sg' to specify that pattern and no longer accepts 'gs' as a valid option from the command-line.
🔄 Reproduction steps
Go to project directory
Run CMake to build serial backend with cmake -B build_serial -S . && make -j$(nproc) -C build_serial
Run Spatter with a gather-scatter pattern using 'gs': ./build_serial/spatter -gUNIFORM:8:1 -uUNIFORM:8:1 -l$((2**24)) -kgs
💿 OS
Ubuntu 22
🏗️ Architecture
📝 Description
Spatter v1.1 accepted 'gs' as a kernel option from the command-line. The gather-scatter pattern now uses 'sg' to specify that pattern and no longer accepts 'gs' as a valid option from the command-line.
🔄 Reproduction steps
cmake -B build_serial -S . && make -j$(nproc) -C build_serial
./build_serial/spatter -gUNIFORM:8:1 -uUNIFORM:8:1 -l$((2**24)) -kgs
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