I've been trying to connect to a CF instance using the Jenkins CF plugin but I'm facing the below error.
(Using Jenkins-CF plugin v2.2.1)
Note: Organization name modified.
Cloud Foundry plugin:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Organization A_&_B_Ants_&_Bananas_ABC_AB_ABC-AB-C-D-LoremIpsum-DolorSit-100 does not exist
at org.cloudfoundry.util.ExceptionUtils.illegalArgument(ExceptionUtils.java:45)
at org.cloudfoundry.operations._DefaultCloudFoundryOperations.lambda$getOrganization$1(_DefaultCloudFoundryOperations.java:262)
at reactor.core.publisher.Mono.lambda$onErrorResume$30(Mono.java:3067)
I've come across the below issue in CF Java client and looks like it has been resolved in a later snapshot. Is the same resolved in the Jenkins CF plugin too?
I've been trying to connect to a CF instance using the Jenkins CF plugin but I'm facing the below error. (Using Jenkins-CF plugin v2.2.1)
Note: Organization name modified.
Full log >>> Log.txt
I've come across the below issue in CF Java client and looks like it has been resolved in a later snapshot. Is the same resolved in the Jenkins CF plugin too?
Targeting Organizations with &'s in their names does not work.
Note 2: I've tried with some other organization names with no &'s in it and I'm able to connect successfully.