hpcloud / stackato-cli

Sources of the stackato command line client.
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Multiple instances of stackato client on the same machine #7

Open rajesh-erasani opened 7 years ago

rajesh-erasani commented 7 years ago


How to run multiple stackato clients on a machine without having the clients to share the token, key and target files?



Allowing 2 or more clients use the same folder (C:\.stackato\client) for token, key and target is causing 403 not authorized errors when multiple clients are trying to push apps, to the same target.

andreas-kupries commented 7 years ago

You can override HOME via STACKATO_APP_ROOT (https://github.com/hpcloud/stackato-cli/blob/730767d36f60a7e99322bca87c87c2a34b53a9c2/bin/stackato#L49) and give each client its own setting of this env.var