hpe-storage / python-hpedockerplugin

HPE Native Docker Plugin
Apache License 2.0
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Docker 3.2: Share mount fails with mount_prefix parameter with managed plugin #668

Open sonawane-shashikant opened 5 years ago

sonawane-shashikant commented 5 years ago

When mount prefix parameter is set in hpe.conf havinng managed plugin, and share is created and mounted, share mount fails with the below error.

Test Bed - [root@cld13b5 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.6 (Maipo) [root@cld13b5 ~]# docker plugin inspect hpe| grep PluginRef "PluginReference": "docker.io/hpestorage/hpedockervolumeplugin:3.2", [root@cld13b5 ~]#

[root@cld13b5 ~]# docker run -it --rm --mount src=Share1,dst=/DATA,volume-driver=hpe --name MOUNT1 busybox /bin/sh docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:345: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:430: container init caused \"rootfs_linux.go:58: mounting \\"/var/lib/docker/plugins/5fa8f2f6f99efc225ee692bdbe0cdb71d621fd67d12140e36e2d240867109e12/rootfs/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/hpe.com/3par/mounts/Share1\\" to rootfs \\"/var/lib/docker/overlay2/047c93736bb29487b86fd413b0135b7f94432c9283ef9be335fc2b6b92ecf0a3/merged\\" at \\"/DATA\\" caused \\"stat /var/lib/docker/plugins/5fa8f2f6f99efc225ee692bdbe0cdb71d621fd67d12140e36e2d240867109e12/rootfs/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/hpe.com/3par/mounts/Share1: no such file or directory\\"\"": unknown. [root@cld13b5 ~]#

Attached are -

MountUnmountConsoleOutPut.txt hpe.conf.txt Log_MountUnmountConsoleOutPut.txt

imran-ansari commented 5 years ago

@sonawane-shashikant - Would it be enough to mention the below text on the main page under Limitations?

The configuration parameter, mount_prefix, is applicable for containerized plugin only. If used with the managed plugin, mount operation fails.

sonawane-shashikant commented 5 years ago

Looks good to me.