hpfxd / PandaSpigot

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Chunks don't unload when auto saving is disabled #181

Open jtJava opened 5 months ago

jtJava commented 5 months ago

The following code in ChunkProviderServer prevents chunks from unloading if auto saving is disabled. I'd recommend hooking the config for disabling chunk saving into this, or just removing the check altogether. ` public boolean unloadChunks() { if (!this.world.savingDisabled) { if (HydrogenConfig.unloadChunks) { // CraftBukkit start Server server = this.world.getServer(); for (int i = 0; i < 100 && !this.unloadQueue.isEmpty(); ++i) { long chunkcoordinates = this.unloadQueue.popFirst(); Chunk chunk = this.chunks.get(chunkcoordinates); if (chunk == null) continue;

                ChunkUnloadEvent event = new ChunkUnloadEvent(chunk.bukkitChunk);
                if (!event.isCancelled()) {

                    if (chunk != null) {
                        this.chunks.remove(chunkcoordinates); // CraftBukkit

                    // this.unloadQueue.remove(olong);

                    // Update neighbor counts
                    for (int x = -2; x < 3; x++) {
                        for (int z = -2; z < 3; z++) {
                            if (x == 0 && z == 0) {

                            Chunk neighbor = this.getChunkIfLoaded(chunk.locX + x, chunk.locZ + z);
                            if (neighbor != null) {
                                neighbor.setNeighborUnloaded(-x, -z);
                                chunk.setNeighborUnloaded(x, z);
        // Hydrogen end
        // CraftBukkit end

        if (this.chunkLoader != null) {


    return this.chunkProvider.unloadChunks();
