The benchmark tool starts no longer merchants and consumers from the docker-compose file. This way, they cannot interfere with merchants and consumers that are directly started by the benchmark tool.
I removed the consumer from the management UI's dependencies in the docker-compose file to be able to start the management UI without starting the consumer (docker-compose automatically starts service dependencies).
An alternative solution would be to split the compose file into core-services and all-services. And the benchmark tool only uses the core_services file. But I couldn't find a good solution for this.
Fixed a bug that caused missing data in the kafka dumps. The short timeout stopped the iteration even if there are still events pending.
README updates
Add warning about long docker image building times for the first execution
Update steps to configure the platform. Add links to the mentioned UI sections
Benchmark Tools changes
The benchmark tool starts no longer merchants and consumers from the docker-compose file. This way, they cannot interfere with merchants and consumers that are directly started by the benchmark tool. I removed the consumer from the management UI's dependencies in the docker-compose file to be able to start the management UI without starting the consumer (docker-compose automatically starts service dependencies).
An alternative solution would be to split the compose file into core-services and all-services. And the benchmark tool only uses the core_services file. But I couldn't find a good solution for this.
Fixed a bug that caused missing data in the kafka dumps. The short timeout stopped the iteration even if there are still events pending.
README updates