Follows as selection of references to help write the section about Self-Adaptive Systems.
Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems: A Second Research Roadmap (has a high-level introduction to the topic, I find section 4.3 particularly interesting)
A Design Space for Self-Adaptive Systems (also a high-level introduction to the topic)
Software Engineering Processes for Self-Adaptive Systems (Figure-3, with RL we are extending this by allowing the adaption logic to change online)
On Patterns for Decentralized Control in Self-Adaptive Systems (this paper has good definitions that we can borrow and in section-5 we have some general guidelines for design decisions)
Self-management of Distributed Systems Using High-Level Goal Policies (look at Figure-3, the changes/perturbations that we make could be changes in policy goals?)
Uncertainty in Self-Adaptive Software Systems (types of uncertainties, which ones are we subject to?)
Follows as selection of references to help write the section about Self-Adaptive Systems.