hpi-swa-lab / SqueakByExample-english

An introductory book about the Squeak/Smalltalk programming system, guiding students and developers through the environment, language, tools, and the Morphic framework by means of a series of examples and exercises.
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Find a source for Black's Rule of Testing #89

Closed codeZeilen closed 1 year ago

codeZeilen commented 3 years ago

Or remove the naming

LinqLover commented 3 years ago

What about this?

Julien Delplanque, Stéphane Ducasse, Guillermo Polito, Andrew Black, Anne Etien. Rotten Green Tests. ICSE 2019 - International Conference on Software Engineering, May 2019, Montréal, Canada. ffhal-02002346v2f https://hal.inria.fr/hal-02002346/document

A green (passing) test is usually taken as a robust sign that the code under test is valid. However, some green tests contain assertions that are never executed. We call such tests Rotten Green Tests.

Hm ... the paragraph in the book sounds like a misinterpretation of this paper. But it's the only publication of Andrew P. Black about testing that I could find ...

LinqLover commented 1 year ago

@codeZeilen As there seems no proper source, can I just rename this item to?

LinqLover commented 1 year ago
