hpi-swa-lab / qinoq

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onAbandon and onRemove triggered for Morphs in Interactive? #1052

Closed linusha closed 2 years ago

linusha commented 2 years ago

The current fix for #1047 seems to only work for morphs that have been added while the interactive was in the editor? One thing that I believe makes it harder than it should be, is that the interactive does not get notified upon removal/abandoning of all of its submorphs. I'll investigate that.

linusha commented 2 years ago

The status quo is: For morphs that are existent in an interactive when it is dropped in the editor everything is fine, since we set up all connections for all morphs in the interactive when loading it. For morphs added through the editor, all is fine as well.

A problem arises when morphs get added by programmatic means while the interactive is loaded in the editor. Then, not everything is set up as it should, and e.g. connecting such a morph and afterwards deleting it via its halo will leave a dangling connection.

I'll flesh out some documentation for this, but do not think of it as a problem right now, since the qinoq approach always was - "you write code your on your own".