hpi-swa / Squot

Squeak Object Tracker - Version control for arbitrary objects, currently with Git storage
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Couldn't push squeak sourcecode #78

Open HPI-SWA-Bot opened 7 years ago

HPI-SWA-Bot commented 7 years ago

Author: Oluwoye

Message: Wir haben SqueackCheck installiert und haben die Packages davon zum Projekt zum Verfolgen hinzugefügt. Das lässt sich auch alles ohne Probleme comitten, jedoch schlägt der Push relativ schnell mit folgender Fehlermeldung fehl: ConnectionClosed: Connection closed while waiting for data.

fniephaus commented 7 years ago

@Oluwoye which OS are you using? As a workaround, you should be able to push from command line.

Oluwoye commented 7 years ago

Windows 7 Professional. We've used the command line to push in the meanwhile, but this had the effect, that the Squeak resources were pushed correctly, but all other files had been removed and we couldn't find them again with "git diff"

j4yk commented 7 years ago

@Oluwoye Can you provide me with the URL of your repository, so I can have a look at the generated history and what was pushed?

And concerning the Connection closed error: I currently have no means to pinpoint the cause, and GitHub seems to be the only site that generates it, see #9

Oluwoye commented 7 years ago

https://github.com/HPI-SWA-Teaching/SWT17-Project-14.git is the repository. Thanks for your help.

j4yk commented 7 years ago

Well, the good news is that there is nothing wrong with the push, but the bad news is that you have run into issue #53. The workaround is to do merges involving files not managed in Squeak with the git CLI, another GUI, such as SourceTree, or with GitHub.

What I do not quite understand is why all the code was removed from that package in the merge commit...

Your files are not lost anyway (git generally makes it hard to lose things, admittedly Squot somewhat less so at the moment).


You can get them back in your disk working copy with the following commands:

# make sure you do not have uncommitted changes worth keeping in this directory
git reset --hard
git checkout ca97cee -- *
git commit -m "restore files buried during the previous merge"