hpi-swa / smalltalkCI

Framework for testing Smalltalk projects with GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, Travis CI, AppVeyor, and others.
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Testing including coverage is failing on Pharo 8 and 10 builds #576

Closed gcotelli closed 1 year ago

gcotelli commented 1 year ago

Appears to be working for Pharo 9. For more details check the log of the failing builds here

Heres, there's a stack trace of the error:

Testing project...
Instance of CompiledMethod did not understand #actualClass
CompiledMethod(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #actualClass
[ :each | each install ] in SCICodeCoverage>>startUp in Block: [ :each | each install ]
SCIPharoCodeCoverage class(SCICodeCoverage class)>>run:spec:in:
            self prepareForTesting.
            self executionClass
                run: [ runner := self runTests ]
                spec: self spec
                in: self projectDirectory.
            self finishUpAfterTesting ] in SmalltalkCIPharo10(SmalltalkCI)>>basicTest in Block: [...
[ aBlock value ] in SmalltalkCIPharo10 class(SmalltalkCI class)>>fold:on:block: in Block: [ aBlock value ]
Time class>>microsecondsToRun:
Time class>>millisecondsToRun:
SmalltalkCI class>>timeToRun:
SmalltalkCIPharo10 class(SmalltalkCI class)>>fold:on:block:
SmalltalkCIPharo10 class(SmalltalkCI class)>>fold:block:
SmalltalkCIPharo10 class(SmalltalkCI class)>>stage:id:block:
[ self basicTest ] in [
        [ self basicTest ] on: SCIError do: [ :e | 
            hasThrownError := true.
            "Create new error, GemStone does not allow to signal an exception twice"
            SCIError signal: e messageText ]] in SmalltalkCIPharo10(SmalltalkCI)>>test in Block: [ self basicTest ]
        [ self basicTest ] on: SCIError do: [ :e | 
            hasThrownError := true.
            "Create new error, GemStone does not allow to signal an exception twice"
            SCIError signal: e messageText ]] in SmalltalkCIPharo10(SmalltalkCI)>>test in Block: [...
[ self ensureNoExistingBuildStatusFile.
     aBlock value.
     self reportBuildSuccess ] in SmalltalkCIPharo10 class(SmalltalkCI class)>>withBuildStatusReportingDo: in Block: [ self ensureNoExistingBuildStatusFile....
SmalltalkCIPharo10 class(SmalltalkCI class)>>withBuildStatusReportingDo:
SmalltalkCI class>>test:projectDirectory:
SmalltalkCI class>>test:
[ receiver withArgs: (context ifNil: [ #() ] ifNotNil: [ {context} ]) executeMethod: self compileDoit] in OpalCompiler>>evaluate in Block: [ receiver withArgs: (context ifNil: [ #() ] ifNot...etc...
gcotelli commented 1 year ago

Probably related to changes in v3.0.1

fniephaus commented 1 year ago

@LinqLover can you take a look at this please? we need to fix this asap, otherwise I'll have to roll back the coverage updates.

LinqLover commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the inconvenience! This marks a gap in our CI tests. I'm working on a fix.

fniephaus commented 1 year ago

Thank you! :)

gcotelli commented 1 year ago

I think part of the problem is that extensionMethodsForPackages in Pharo is returning instances of CompiledMethod but for non-extension methods it is using the class method methodReferenceFor:selector:. Maybe reimplementing

    ^ super extensionMethodsForPackages
        collect: [ :method | 
            self class
                methodReferenceFor: method methodClass
                selector: method selector ]

for Pharo helps

gcotelli commented 1 year ago

I can easily test the changes against the problematic code base so let me know when we have some branch to test and I can help with that

LinqLover commented 1 year ago

Thank you! Let's see whether #577 passes on the CI. If yes, it should also work on your system, I think. :)