Open codeZeilen opened 9 years ago
I guess you are referring to Vivide debuggers? Here is a snippet that would close all Vivide debuggers:
1) All windows that run the #debugger
ViSinglePaneEditor allInstancesDo: [:editor |
editor pane currentQuery id = #debugger ifTrue: [editor close]].
See VivideLight >> #openDebugger:
and senders of #useVivideDebugger
for more information.
2) All windows that show the (outdated, old, deprecated) ViDebuggerEditor
ViDebuggerEditor allInstancesDo: [:editor | editor close].
Does this help? Do we need a button for that? :smile:
Using the famous marko image Utilties>>closeAllDebuggers does not close any debuggers. This becomes problematic when having 100+ debuggers ;)
Edit: 'Close all Vivide Windows' is kind of an option, but I'd also lose my arranged editors, so a separate Close all debuggers would be nice.