hpi-swt2-exercise / rails-exercise-17-swteam

rails-exercise-17-swteam created by GitHub Classroom
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New author page should render #1

Closed swt2public closed 6 years ago

swt2public commented 6 years ago


When a user visits the new author page Then the page should render


Before you begin implementing this feature, write a test to document its absence. The file spec/features/author/new_author_spec.rb already contains the needed test case, it only needs to be un-commented.

The describe block defines which aspect of the the software will be tested here. Specifying the feature type automatically includes helper methods that allow to simulate browser actions in a test. Inside describe, each it block is a single test case. In this example, the test simply tries to access the URL of the new-author page. This fails because no such path is defined yet.

Commit the failing test case.

Now, to make this test green you need to create an AuthorsController with a new action and set-up the appropriate routes. See the Rails tutorial for help. You can learn more about RSpec, the testing framework, in this documentation


Expected {:get=>"/authors/new"} to be routable

Estimated progress: 2% complete