hpi-swt2 / event-und-raumplanung

Ein Tool das die interne Planung von Events verbessern soll und dabei besonderen Fokus auf die Zuteilung von Räumen und Ausstattung legt.
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Influence of Acceptance test settings on unitTest #355

Closed jaSunny closed 9 years ago

jaSunny commented 9 years ago

config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection must be true in order to work with sessions for the acceptance tests. But i causes that ~60 unitTest fails.

Currently config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = false so we should either

this could be done with by using the acceptance test flag:

config.around(:each, :acceptance_test => true) do |ex|

relates to the Conversation on the commit: https://github.com/hpi-swt2/event-und-raumplanung/commit/222a1c693ed7b6d5080d0f072f1fcdd84e73e9ca#commitcomment-9564748

jaSunny commented 9 years ago

okay, so setting config in spec_helper doesnt work out. I now created a new environment which is executed after the test environment. That works fine, but now travis isnt loading the seed file correctly... :/

jaSunny commented 9 years ago

juhuuuuuuuuu! https://travis-ci.org/hpi-swt2/event-und-raumplanung/builds/49436435 ready to merge :)

Finished in 11.68 seconds (files took 4.92 seconds to load)

9 examples, 0 failures
Finished in 1 minute 26.99 seconds (files took 5.33 seconds to load)

626 examples, 0 failures, 11 pending

fyi: @DasDingGehtNicht

ghost commented 9 years ago

werent there 16 tests? i mean i had 9 tests passing too ;)

jaSunny commented 9 years ago

yea but they were excluded => true due to the point that they point to current user stories in Sprint 4 :)