hpparvi / PyTransit

Fast and easy exoplanet transit light curve modelling.
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PyTransit/notebooks/01_broadband_parameter_estimation.ipynb - Failed in nopython mode pipeline #150

Open JosephKarpinski opened 2 years ago

JosephKarpinski commented 2 years ago


Python 3.8.5

TypingError: Failed in nopython mode pipeline (step: nopython frontend) non-precise type array(pyobject, 0d, C) During: typing of argument at /var/folders/39/hmv9hpy10cg6cx015773lbtw0000gn/T/ipykernel_1807/3291592562.py (3)

File "../../../../var/folders/39/hmv9hpy10cg6cx015773lbtw0000gn/T/ipykernel_1807/3291592562.py", line 3: <source missing, REPL/exec in use?>

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JosephKarpinski commented 2 years ago

pytransit version: 2.5.17

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hpparvi commented 2 years ago

Hi Joseph,

This sounds like a numba issue, can you also please check your numba version.

Cheers, Hannu

hpparvi commented 2 years ago

Ooops, forget the above. I'll take a closer look into this.

hpparvi commented 2 years ago

Ok, there was a bug in the notebook. Can you pull the latest changes and rerun the notebook.