hpsu / nzbget-chrome

Google chrome extension to interact with nzbget
28 stars 23 forks source link

Request: Display a Dialog to define most important information #47

Open Kopierwichtel opened 8 years ago

Kopierwichtel commented 8 years ago


Currently I'm trying nzbget and also just installed NZBget Chrome. I really like this extension but would request an improvement.

When i add a nzb from nzbindex or nzbclub i still have to open nzbget and then enter the name, password and category. I'm requesting a Dialog which pops up after clicking a nzb-link from the nzb indexers. In this dialog i can define the name, the password and the category which is picked up from nzbget. Then i can save it and its send to nzbget.

This would save me the step to enter nzbget.

