hpuhr / COMPASS

The OpenATS COMPASS (Compliance Assessment) tool aims at providing a generalized framework for air-traffic surveillance data analysis, visualization & evaluation.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Bug in Calculate Radar Plot from Pcap file #291

Open AlessiaDS opened 2 months ago

AlessiaDS commented 2 months ago

When trying to plot using data from a pcap file of a CAT048 it doesn't execute it due to an error in the data source, it doesn't calculate the latitude and the longitude even if in the management of data sources they are inserted. I attach the link for the file used. https://drive.google.com/file/d/15y8Hn5GcWrU6SccNVlBbQJ8HXdvC-EYZ/view?usp=sharing

here, range and azimuth are available

Screenshot 2024-07-03 alle 12 46 56

here, the radar has been configured with the correct anchor coordinates

Screenshot 2024-07-03 alle 12 47 14
hpuhr commented 2 months ago

Got it, thank you for the write-up. Will take a look and get back to you shortly.

AlessiaDS commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your time.

hpuhr commented 2 months ago

OK, so I figured out a few things - there is (as you correctly identified) a bug in this COMPASS version. But there is a workaround that should help you:


Please let me know if this works for you (in the mean time, before we do a bugfix-release in a few weeks).

Behind the scenes, there are 2 actual issues:

  1. The Radar data source being ignored for lat/lon calculations if the altitude is "never set" (which is still displayed as 0 in the dialog even if never set, but not saved in the background configuration data if no value entered at all)
  2. If no data was imported before, the "Process" -> "Calculate Radar Plot Positions" task fails with the following assert:
    • "COMPASS-v0.7.5_hf2_newos.AppImage: /app/workspace/compass/src/projection/projectionmanager.cpp:199: unsigned int ProjectionManager::calculateRadarPlotPositions(std::__cxx11::string, std::shared_ptr, NullableVector&, NullableVector&): Assertion `projection.radarCoordinateSystemsAdded()' failed."

Both will be fixed in the next bug-fix release.

Please let us know if there are any other issues - in a new report or using compass@openats.at