:+1: nice work. The point of this homework was to explore a simple example of a full MVC application with a RESTful API.
Grading Summary:
Functionality: Excellent
Code Style: Excellent
Visual Design: Average
Usability: Excellent
Overall: Excellent
Detailed Notes
Note that you should resolve all the Auto Layout constraint errors and warnings in your nibs.
Note that you should try handling the conditionally present retweet label in the cells.
This is a situation where it's not possible to specify the behavior by only the Interface Builder. It looks like you set this label for all tweets.
You shoud try setting up the controls within the Tweet cells. It can sometimes be hard to have a clean design for embedded controls because it usually involves cumbersome plumbing. This is an instance where I think having the model handle the network action helps greatly simplify the implementation. For now, when I tap anywhere on a cell (includes reply, retweet and favorite buttons), your app navigates to the detail screen.
The favorite count label may not work well. In this cell, the star icon is highlighted but the favorite count is 0.
Nice work handling the post tweet insertion into the feed. In real MVC apps, the more polished experiences have to do a certain amount of local object management to make a fully seamless experience.
There's a tiny issue when composing new tweet. After I delete all the content, the countdown label is disabled but it's 139 instead of 140.
Your app cannot work on landscape mode. It cannot show anything in detail screen.
/cc @coderschoolreview
Hi, this is my submission for assignment 3. Please go to folder TwitterClient.
Thanks so much.