hquery / query-composer

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Error running simple query #3

Open mrnosal opened 12 years ago

mrnosal commented 12 years ago

(In develop branch) Create a simple graphical query. Drag in "demographics" and select age from 10-100, gender=male Then click "Execute"

Mongo::OperationFailure (Database command '$eval' failed: (errno: '-3.0'; errmsg: 'invoke failed: JS Error: ReferenceError: mnosal is not defined nofile_a:0'; ok: '0.0').):

Mongo::OperationFailure in QueriesController#execute

Database command '$eval' failed: (errno: '-3.0'; errmsg: 'invoke failed: JS Error: ReferenceError: mnosal is not defined nofile_a:0'; ok: '0.0').

app/models/user.rb:92:in save_library_functions_locally' app/models/execution.rb:23:inblock in execute' app/models/execution.rb:21:in execute' app/models/query.rb:23:inexecute' app/controllers/queries_controller.rb:76:in `execute'

abgoldstein commented 12 years ago

Were you able to execute generated queries before? Or is this the first one? I'm not able to reproduce the error by making that kind of query, but it looks like we're trying to pull in user defined JS functions even when aggregating generated queries.

I've deleted line 128 "user_code = js_to_localize_user_functions(query.user)" from execution.rb. The tests pass so I pushed up to hquery/develop but since I can't reproduce the issue I can't see if this is a proper solution, but could you check and let me know?