hr0nix / BlueSkies

A simple canopy landing simulator
MIT License
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Extravagant LZs #47

Closed ilyapoz closed 10 years ago

ilyapoz commented 10 years ago

Your ideas on interesting places to land at.

ilyapoz commented 10 years ago

Ordinary DZ: Dubai Extravagant: egypt, pyramids

hr0nix commented 10 years ago

Extravagant: Red square, deep blue hole, maybe rooftop of some building with a helipad.

ilyapoz commented 10 years ago

Some ideas from my brainstorming with a russian friend:

что-нибудь у китайской стены

:heavy_plus_sign: Sphinx in Giza Ну Дубай естессна Красная площадь площадь святого петра


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