hrbrmstr / albersusa

Tools, shapefiles & data to work with an "AlbersUSA" composite projection in R
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counties_sf is out of date #22

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

The list of counties returned by counties_sf is now out-of-date.

counties_sf() %>%
  filter((name == "Bedford" & state == "Virginia") | (name == "Petersburg" & state == "Alaska"))
# Simple feature collection with 3 features and 8 fields
# geometry type:  MULTIPOLYGON
# dimension:      XY
# bbox:           xmin: -107.3392 ymin: 24.88892 xmax: -79.1833 ymax: 37.617
# epsg (SRID):    4326
# proj4string:    +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
#    fips state_fips county_fips       name   lsad census_area    state
# 1 51019         51         019    Bedford County     753.021 Virginia
# 2 51515         51         515    Bedford   city       6.878 Virginia
# 3 02195         02         195 Petersburg     CA    3281.982   Alaska
#   iso_3166_2                       geometry
# 1         VA MULTIPOLYGON (((-79.62613 3...
# 2         VA MULTIPOLYGON (((-79.5436 37...
# 3         AK MULTIPOLYGON (((-107.1118 2...

See this note, Petersburg, AK needs to have its lsad updated, but Bedford, VA needs to be merged.

Unfortunately the fixes would make this incompatible with the last decennial census, so I'm not sure what the best move is. I guess a year argument to the function call would be the safest, but would require a lot of engineering effort.

hrbrmstr commented 4 years ago

this is super helpful! #ty!

I'll figure out a way to work in the year argument but perhaps will shunt in a hacky "current" function just to make sure it's aligned correctly with the real world.

csarapas commented 3 years ago

In addition to the changes noted by eamoncaddigan, two counties have been renamed and given new FIPS codes since the 2010 census (both in 2015).

# previously:   fips 46113     Shannon County, SD
# now:          fips 46102     Ogala Lakota County, SD
# previously:   fips 02270     Wade Hampton Census Area, AK
# now:          fips 02158     Kusilvak Census Area, AK